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RE: Geraniums are Cranesbills.

in #geraniums7 years ago

Geraniums are a longtime favorite of Almanac gardeners. They are easy to grow, colorful, and emit a lovely scent. The plants that we commonly call geraniums were introduced in Europe by Dutch traders who brought them from South Africa in the early 18th century. Because these new plants resembled the hardy wild geraniums already growing in Europe, botanists mistakenly grouped them together. In 1753, Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus classified them under the genus Geranium. When it was later discovered that these new “geraniums” differed from European geraniums in the shape of their petals, the number of stamens, and other factors, they were renamed Pelargonium, meaning stork’s bill a reference to the long, sharply pointed shape of their seedpod. But to this day, we still say “geranium” when we actually mean “pelargonium.”
For minor cuts, apply crushed geranium leaves to stop the bleeding. In the language of flowers, scarlet geranium means silliness.Common problems can be low light or too much or too little water. The leaves will turn yellow as an indication you are watering too little or too much. In this case, try to even the watering out and move the geraniums to a brighter place.
Thank you for sharing Excellent plant information @ctrl-alt-nwo.





Good info and nice pics.