Update: George Webb IDs Alpha Jalloh in Connection to Seth Rich's Murder | Cornered at Hotel by Potential FBI Hit Squad - Day 219 - A Webb Companion

in #georgewebb7 years ago (edited)

Alpha Jalloh has been identified by George Webb as the man who set up the hit on Seth Rich.

Alpha Jalloh hired two MS-13 members to assassinate Seth Rich.

Two MS-13 members show up dead in Myrtle Beach S.C.

On the Run

  • After posting the identity of the Seth Rich murderer, Webb posted a few more videos from his hotel room
  • George believes there is a hit squad waiting for him in and around the hotel
  • He stated that there was probably only a 5% chance that it was a hit
  • Nevertheless, he was taking precautions
  • After posting Day 219.7, his YouTube channel has gone dark.
  • Webb was waiting for a friend (Johnny B - comedian) to come pick him up

End Times News Report

Jason Goodman

  • The pair discuss the creation of a new account for periscope, #Webb4bernie
  • Webb's investigative partner was able to make contact with Webb and posted 2 videos to Crowd Source the Truth
  • He connects to Webb who is cornered in the hotel.
  • Webb speaks about being connected to the old Mossad
  • He differentiated between the new Mossad which is doing the human trafficking, organ harvesting, etc.
  • "If I do get whacked, it makes a good movie" - Webb
  • George's phone is acting up with pictures of dead fish and porn sites blocking his phone

Crowd Source the News ( 5mins)

Crowd Source the News (18 mins)

Last Word

Towards the end of the video, George's friend Johnny B is said to have arrived to escort Webb out of the hotel.
No word from Crowd Source the News or Webb for several hours now.

No tweets for 23hrs from Webb's Twitter account: Truthleaks@georgwebb

We hope you're alright George!


Good job George and Jason! Be safe...

Today, George Webb has probably been too busy discovering how Periscope operates to put new stuff on YouTube. He & Jason Goodman were live two hours ago.


Thanks @heroic15397, i wasn't sure if they'd figured it out. I watched a few of the feeds, alive and well. Maybe there's some paranoia setting in but sticking your nose around DC power circles like that i don't doubt that he's a marked man.

There's quite a battle of words going on at voat atm. It does appear that a number of users are coming out of the woodwork to attack Webb in an attempt to discredit him.

George has a lot of supporters over at voat but also just a lot of detractors who have called him a Shill and a Spook for some time now. In the Crowd Source the Truth video he admits to being associated with Mossad (old guard) and for many that proves he is not to be trusted.

Those defending Webb, point to his crowd sourced investigation as being brilliant detective work. Some argue that it is possible that there are white hat/ black hat factions within Mossad and he's perhaps one of the good guys.
As someone who has followed every single episode, I think that he has been as forth coming as possible, under the circumstances and he admitted several times to his Jewish heritage and to siding with Mossad on a few points.

Personally, i think his research is amazing but he obviously had a lot of support from Intelligence agencies, so it was long suspected that he was some kind of agent. I think we should question everything, and scrutinize his work and claims but I also do believe he really wants the truth to be revealed. There's still a lot of work to do in dismantling the network.

That being said, I do strongly disagree with Webb when he stated that he doesn't want to see Podesta put in Jail and he just wants the operations to come to an end. I think Podesta/Clinton/McCabe/Comey and many others need to face justice like any other US citizen.

That statement proves he's an operative right there. Podesta needs to hang for his crimes.

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