Just a quick lesson in history and geopolitics regarding Israel...

in #geopolitics6 months ago


Some of you probably know something about The Cuban Missile Crisis.

You know why it was a crisis? It's because the placement of the Soviet Missiles in Cuba would allow them to strike any location in These United States in fewer than two minutes.

You know why the Soviets placed missiles in Cuba? It's because we had missiles in Turkey, that could strike just about any place in the Soviet Union within a couple of minutes.

This is what Israel is dealing with every day.

Any rocket or missile fired from the Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, or Lebanon can hit any place in Israel in about thirty seconds.

So, the Iron Dome is kinda important.

The recent attack from Iran only recorded one injury of which I'm aware -- a seven-year-old girl whose fighting for her life.

Obviously, I'm wishing her the best. If it weren't for the Iron Dome, the attack would have been devastating.

It also says something about Iran's intent.

Iran knows about the Iron Dome. They also finance Hezobollah and have influence in Lebanon.

This strike by Iran was basically the equivalent of moving a pawn in the path of a queen to test if your opponent will bite.

Well, the response from our current administration in These United States was basically to capitulate to Iran.

This is a mistake.

If we want to avoid all out war -- possibly WWIII -- our support should be behind Israel wiping our Hamas, probably Hezobollah, and striking the southern border of Lebanon. Show strength. Show the enemies of Israel what it's gonna cost to stay in the fight.

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