How the IDF Gets Away With Cold Blooded Murder

in #geopolitics4 years ago

In this super informative podcast, Jake Morphonios of Blackstone Intelligence shares his experience of visiting a Palestinian school, and the stories of Zionist violence perpetrated against Palestinian schoolgirls on a daily basis which he heard firsthand during his visit to Palestine.

Then, we are given the in-depth story about a highly publicized case of an IDF commander murdering a terrified, unarmed 13 year old Palestinian girl as she was walking away from a Zionist checkpoint. I won’t go into all the details an spoil the video, but to summarize, a sniper shot and wounded the girl as she walked away from the IDF police ‘zone’, the commander then approached her to ‘confirm the kill’, and murdered her with point blank shots to the head, before emptying his entire magazine into the lifeless girl’s body.

The IDF claimed the girl posed a ‘threat’ due to wearing a backpack, which was ‘suspected’ of carrying a bomb, however the radio conversation between all of the IDF soldiers involved in the incident confirm that they did not believe the girl to be a threat, that she did not pose a threat at the time she was shot and subsequently killed, that she was identified as a young girl about 10 years old. In his defense, the IDF commander who murdered the girl said he would have killed her even if she was a three year old.

The highly publicized case went to trial, and the commander was acquitted of all charges, with the Israeli military ruling that any Palestinian of any age in any military ‘zone’ for any reason is fair game to be shot and killed, whether they pose a threat to the security of Israeli soldiers or not. The Zionist murderer was then promoted, awarded a large some of money for his trouble, and went on to win a lawsuit against a news organization that had been critical of his actions during its coverage of the killing and trial. He then went on to become somewhat of a hero of the Zionist far right, idolized in these circles.

And this is how the IDF gets away with cold-blooded murder on a nearly daily basis.

While the American public is rightfully up in arms over US police brutality, they should not forget that their tax dollars fund a far more brutal and murderous, completely militarized police state occupation of Palestine to the tune of ten million dollars PER DAY! And that amount may in fact soon spike to several hundred million per day if a spending bill currently in congress is passed and signed by Trump, who has called for increased funding to Israel. This same Zionist military force is also responsible for training many of the militarized US police forces across this country over the past decade, and is thus largely responsible for the increased American police state brutality, militarization, and killing of unarmed Americans.

Any attempt to get to the root of the problem of the increasingly brutal and deadly, rising militarized American Police State, must also address the problem of the US funding of the murderous Zionist Occupation Forces, and their training of our police. On the face of things these two issues may seem far separated, but in reality they are deeply entertained, and are simply two faces of the same global western empire.


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