Lavrov to West: Don't Play with Fire in Syria

Lavrov issued a warning about the latest provocative buildup in the province of Idlib in Syria by Western countries. The foreign ministers of Russia and Syria spoke in Moscow about the actions of the United States and again warned of the impending provocation with chemical weapons in Idlib, as a pretext for the West to strike Syria.

Moscow and Damascus are fully in solidarity with views on the near future of Syria. The remaining pockets of resistance by the extremists must be completely taken care of, no matter the attempts at threats by Western countries.

"Progress in the matter of the Syrian settlement, the fight against extremism, in dealing with humanitarian issues, creating conditions for the return of refugees is not to everyone's liking. Efforts are being made to slow down these processes, use various provocateurs, including extremists, and well-known provocateurs who call themselves the "White Helmets", and are renowned for arranging staged scenes for alleged chemical agents used by the Syrian government to give Western countries an excuse for strikes against Syria. Another such provocation is being prepared in order to try to obstruct the anti-terrorist operation in Idlib. We have clearly and strictly warned the Western partners that they should not play with fire, "- said Sergey Lavrov.

Colleague of Sergey Lavrov Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem confirmed that his government is determined to go to the end in the fight against extremism, and in case of aggression of the West --Syria will be defended.

"We use our right to self-defense with all our strength. We warn the United States, Great Britain and France of committing a triple aggression in violation of all existing decisions of the UN Security Council, "said Walid Muallem.

At the same time, Damascus will make every effort to minimize damage to civilians. In Idlib, talk is ready with everyone who agrees to lay down their arms or leave the area. As it was before, in Aleppo and Eastern Ghouta - then such negotiations allowed avoiding unjustified victims precisely among civilians. But the lands captured by the militants are not enough just to be liberated. To return the numerous refugees, it is necessary to restore the homes that have been destroyed. Now it is engaged in Russia. And the Western countries, which actively supported and armed opposition, and frank terrorists - that is, those who, in fact, Syria was destroying, are evading recovery.

"We believe that other countries should actively join these efforts. The UN, the structures that function within the UN system, various specialized agencies and funds, are a special role here, "the Russian minister stressed.

The Russian minister recalled that respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Syria requires a decision of the UN Security Council. And Muallem added: now that the fighting has entered the final phase, Damascus is actively discussing the projects of the country's post-conflict reconstruction. And Russia will be given priority on this issue.

Drago Victorien - Unpaid liar / Media Swindler

#Syria #Idlib #FalseFlag

#Russia #China #SCO #Geopolitics

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