Quartz and Amethyst

in #geology6 years ago

Hello People of the Internet , Last week I shared an article about some of the fossil specimens I collected through the years , today I will share some minerals eventhough they are not that rare I really like to have them however I can't find rare and better specimens they are either really hard to find or really expensive

A pink Quartz and Obelisk Shape something

A Brazilian Amethyst Specimen

This one is quite decent and it is around 25kg good part is I got the other part too however this one looks better , They are just scattered around my living room to create an ambience. I think these are the biggest specimens I have at the moment however I got plenty of smaller ones from different minerals and I'm planning to share them with you guys in the future.

Thanks for Reading & Hasta La Vista!


These look awesome and expensive, are you mineral miner or what?

He is just mineral owner.

These look awesome and expensive, are you mineral miner or what?

Real amazing things you got!!

Ahh I love rocks! Karen and I used to collect from the floor hahah:) beautiful! Especially the cathedral amethyst

Thanks lol it is the only thing I can call hobby in my life :(

A good one to have tho! So many cool rocks!!!

I still prefer casually polebirding !

anlaşılan o ki evde koleksiyonunuz var.adresinizi alıp arkadaşları oraya yönlendirelim :D

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The natural stones are wonderful. Thanks for this informations :)

I really love the amethyst that grew inside the rock. It just leaves you amazed knowing that it formed naturally over a long period of time.

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