Real Eyes Realize Synthetic Skies

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

As I've seen @enjoyinglife put up a contest to raise awareness of the constant bombardment of our skies with toxic chemicals one was happening right in front of my eyes so I grabbed my phone and started shooting. But before I show you what I captured that day I would first like to leave a couple of critical evidence for those who sadly, still, don't understand this issue.

Bare with me as I lift up the iron curtain of mass deception and propaganda from you eyes and free you from the lies you have been made to believe since you were a child.

Notice the difference between a real contrail and what they make you believe a chemtrail is

NOTE: Propaganda machines favourite technique of dissregarding chemtrails is by telling the sheeple they are contrails ( natural occurence of water vapor comming from jet engines) but the problem here is that water vapor dissapears in a minute or two while chemtrails linger on in the skies for hours and spread out to create clouds.

CHECK your biology and encyclopedia books "intellectials" , find and send me the explanation of how normal, touristic planes leaving contrails can create clouds. They cant, but those leaving chemtrails which are used for geoengineering can. Learn the difference already.

STILL don't get it? Check this out. 4 hours, one timelapse, 70 chembombs and a sunblock is easily created. Covering the sun and blocking us from receiving the vital vitamin D.

Now when we got that out of the way let me show you what I captured that day

But first a small backstory. We had 2 weeks of heavy clouds and no sun and when the clouds finally cleared up we had one beautiful, sunny day. That one day of sun was in their oppinion, too much for us to get, so they were quick to cover it ASAP.




The two images show a 180° view from my apartment. Although not that HQ, you can see more than 10 obvious lines with many more that area already spread out and create this milky background of aluminium particles and god knows what else.





As you can see, the chemtrails spread out creating this shroud of synthetic substance that tries to look like a cloud.



Sunblock ON! With "clouds" like these covering the sun to the point where you can easily look at it without discomfort, we can't get vitamin D. The ongoing geoengineering, the single greatest assault against all life ever launched by the human race is, amongst other things causing a worldwide epidemic of vitamin D defficiency, yet no one is talking about it. How strange.



Look mom, they painted the Sahara desert in the sky!

Living in the internet age, ignorance is a choice. There are tens of thousands of articles about the ongoing attacks on the climate but most still fail to realize this. That's why it's important all of us take their part in spreading the truth, because the sooner we get the mainstream farmiliar with this issue the sooner we can do something about it.

Up close and personal


Still don't get it?


Suggested articles to get you started

Chemtrails - Why Do They Spray Us? Connecting The Dots

Hardcore Aerosol Spraying In Zagreb, Croatia

Artificially Flooding The Most Fertile Ground In Europe


Thanks for the post my friend. It seems that very few people care. There's no doubt that everyone is seeing them and decide the best thing to do to make hem go away is just look down at their stupid phone.

That's exactly my thoughts. Everyone is just too caught up with their enslavement phones / every day issues that they just wont bother themselves with it.

Thanks again @runicar, As you know it is so much worse. For so long people have ignore the warning of the brain and body killing chemicals in their food and everything they drink. Instead their only concern was shoving as much into their mouth as possible. The continue to watch the brain killing TV. They continue sending their children to public schools to be further brainwashed. I hate to be negative but it is too late to wake up enough people to make a difference. We will soon pay the cost.
I just a little riled up after seeing the skies at sunrise this morning.

I know, the whole situation is so sad and yeah it might be too late as it's already began. Cancer, tumor, heartattack, diabetes and many other diseases are ever so increasing as most keep buying into what the food industry wants us to eat. Filled with chemicals and suggars our food is, allong with the shit they spray is what going to get to us at some point. That's why we need to eat the right food and try to detox as much as we can. But even that is hard when organic food is so expensive and hard to get (compared to how easy and convenient it is to go to a supermarket and buy some cheap GMO)

I never knew about this, i mean to my eyes this looks pretty when its spread around but after reading this i have changed my mind. This post blew my mind.

Wow I've never seen that close and personal gif.

It seems like most people are aware of it but nobody wants to do anything about it.

Do you want to know something interesting? I once watched a C level hollywood movie (can't remember the name) where the whole earth was covered in snow like in an ice age.

In the intro of the movie they said the government sprayed chemtrails to cool down the temperature and prevent global warming but it backfired and an ice age came about.

I wonder if that was an actual admission.

Thats one of the modern day brainwashing techniques they use. Show them a part or the full truth about something in a movie and they will think it's not reality because they seen it in a movie and will automatically disregard it when they encounter the same IRL.

Well done friend. As I've said to you before that I had not heard of geoengineering until Steemit. So I say thank you for your post and educating people.

I'm glad I opened your eyes on it. One person at a time everyone needs to know about this if we want to change something.

oh my god! it is scary to even imagine . there won't be ozone layer one day if this continues :(

I always thought it had to do with temperatures and different altitudes which is why some would last longer than others but never researched it much, this definitely raised some questions tho but what can be done ¯\(ツ)_/¯

Yep, thats what many believe but as you see in the first gif the plane is flying at the same distance at which a chemtrail is leaving allmost nothing behind while the chem will stay there for hours until it spreads out to create a cloud like thing. We can inform ourselves and others around us until we get a critical mass of people needed to make a revolution.

if it continues like this then the life of all living beings will cease to exist, unconsciously humans are the cause of doomsday

very well written post my friend @runicar.

It is sad that so many do not see it. Yesterday was incredible, and yet people just walked on by as I was photographing it, not even glancing at the clouds.

Awesome i like it so much

what exactly do you like about being sprayed like a bug?

Without being told and saying much, you would know he is a spammer. I can beat my chest that he does not read through your article before tying that and spammers like him are some of the problems we are facing on steemit right now because all they do is liter the comment section for a good article that is engaged with reasonable discussions.

I know, but still wanted to see what she will say

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