A fascinating interview on Weather Manipulation

in #geoengineering7 years ago

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Dane Wigington exposes the globalist geoengineering weather control agenda in fascinating interview with the Health Ranger

by Mike Adams


Geoengineering expert and weather control analyst Dane Wigington unloads the true globalist agenda behind weather control technology in a fascinating one-hour interview with the Health Ranger of Natural News. The interview covers the existence of weather engineering technology, who controls it, how it’s deployed and why the United States is being targeted now that President Trump is in the White House.

“Geoengineering” refers to alterations of the atmosphere, a subject that’s openly endorsed by Harvard scientists and mainstream researchers. Geoengineering experience, in fact, are being openly conducted by academic scientists right now in an effort to dim the sun and initiate “global cooling.”

Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org explains that geoengineering technology has advanced far beyond the application of particulate matter into the atmosphere. According to Wigington, advanced technology can now augment and steer large weather systems into their intended targets. This, he explains, enables globalist camps to “weaponize” weather systems and transform them into weapons of mass destruction.

As revealed in the interview, below, the key advantage of weaponized weather systems is that their hugely destructive effects — over $90 billion in damage in Houston alone from Hurricane Harvey — can simply be blamed on Mother Nature. Weather weapons are, in effect, covert weapons where even the victims who have been struck by the weapon have no idea they’ve been deliberately targeted in a kinetic assault.

Not everyone believes in the existence of weather control technology, however, even though the U.S. patent office has granted patent approval status to at least 175 weather control inventions that exhaustively detail advanced technology systems for augmenting and steering large storms.

Additionally, it is common knowledge that scientists actively engineer almost everything else, including food and water. As I wrote in Natural News:

Many people find it difficult to believe that weather systems can be engineered, yet they readily accept the reality that the food supply is genetically engineered. Municipal water systems are engineered and altered with fluoride and chlorine. The global money supply is engineered and heavily manipulated by central banks. All the news that appears in the corporate-run media is, of course, engineered to broadcast outright lies such as “the Russians stole the election.”

Human biology is engineered and altered by prescription pharmaceuticals, and even brain function is altered and engineered by psychiatric drugs. Heavy metals such as uranium and plutonium have been engineered into atomic weapons, so why is it so difficult to believe that weather systems could also be engineered through advanced technology?

Watch the full interview with Dane Wigington here:

Taken from the transcripts:

Dane Winginton

We'll continue to post hard data atgeoengineeringwatch.org. we have and in the course of people sharing this Mike and I think this is an important aspect and I'll leave I'll finish with this people feel helpless women hear this kind of data but they're not helpless and those in power are not gods.

They are twisted human beings and if we can get this issue to the light of day I would argue: drag everything else with that: the vaccinations crimes, 911 and so much else. Sharing credible data is imperative as compared to walking out pointing at the sky and ranting which puts people's defenses up. It's so much more effective to pass on credible data. We make those kinds of materials available on geoengineeringwatch.org. We have files they can download for free, which they can print locally. We try to make it easier for activists to effectively wake others up around them. And we all must engage in that effort if we're to have any chance of salvaging our situation which is looking more grim by the day.

Mike Adams

Dane is a serious investigator and a serious analyst. Even if you're listening to this and you find it hard to believe at first I encourage you to read geoengineeringwatch.org. Do the research look at the patents, look at the expert testimony and then decide for yourself what you choose to believe. We're living in a world where the fake news media just wants to keep you distracted from every truth. You're gonna have to turn off the TV and start digging into the real truth if you really want to be an informed citizen.

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