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Is there any alignment of the metal in the resin matrix, or is it random?
Do you know of a way to quantify the energy, or measure it's qualities?
I'm all for doing random things that seem to have a positive effect, but I've read a bit of Wilhelm Reich and he did some orgone experiments in New Mexico, I think it was, that involved an anti-orgone, or DOR energy that was very dangerous.

I have been working in other areas . My research into Reich and orgone was in the mid-1990's, and I had some weird experiences with it that caused me to question whether this was my right path. I have since become aware of related topics. These include scalar or longitudinal waves, using toroidal generators, vortex manipulation of water and other sustances for energy change, ORMUS, these are subjects I'm still learning about. I've been making my own colloidal silver, and using electricity and other methods to alter my energetic profile for 5+ years. I am now healthier than I've ever been.

The internal work, I think I'm on my way with, so, I'm headed back to learn about external change making. If you have any further data on this I would be grateful to discuss these matters with someone. Many people are put off by things described as magic. If I can Understand it, and somehow quantify it, I'm open to it. Weather changes can be measured. Temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, solar irradiance, and more. Repeatability allows for predictability. Do you bury the orgonite? Just leave it on the ground?

This comment is growing uncontrollably. Let me know what you think.


The metal in the orgonite is random, basically just put as many spiral metal shavings as will fit in the mold. Reich used parallel layers of fiberglass / metal for his Orgone accumulator to draw Ether into a focal point, whereas the Orgonite is designed to interact with the ambient Etheric field, without necessarily focusing the energy inward. EMF enters in all directions, and exits in all directions, the crystal just seems to align the energy flow along an Axis, creating the Toroidal flow effect.

Reich messed himself up a bit by playing around with Radium in conjunction with his Orgone accumulator and Cloudbuster. Definitely a high-risk experiment, before radioactivity and its potential harm was fully understood.

I've been researching many of the same topics as yourself over the years, including magnetic vortex / ORMUS water and colloidal silver / gold. Fascinating stuff, and useful. I have tested the quantitative effect of Orgone devices by putting glasses of water in the freezer on top of a puck, and without the puck as a control. In the Orgone run, the water froze in a spiral pattern with a white ice core in the center of the glass. Sometimes there was a ice nipple extending upward from the center of the ice. Kind of cool. In the control run, glasses either cracked as the ice froze, or froze with no perceivable spiral pattern.

A better test, to get clearer data sets, which I have not yet completed, would be to set up a grid of sprouting plants and see how an Orgone device affects growth rates. Others have completed versions of that experiment and found amazing results. Those images are online, somewhere.

Sometimes I bury the pucks, but mostly I just try to find an insertion point that is hidden, so it won't be easily found by a passerby. My main targets are 1. Substations, 2. Large water bodies, 3. Cell phone towers / government buildings. I am watching them spray the sky here in Orange County today, and the trails are dissolving into nice little puffy Cumulus clouds. Damn it feels good to be a Jedi. Haha, thanks for watching and commenting. Cheers!

Thanks for the comments, ideas, and info.

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