Are You Gonna Believe Me, Or Your Lyin' Eyes?steemCreated with Sketch.

I'm putting up information I think is relevant,
and I'd like for anyone who has a reasonable thought,
pro, con ,or whatever angle you have,
please leave it here.

Don't worry if you don't think you are expert enough to contribute,
I feel like that all the time.
If you are interested enough to watch,
your thoughts are probably relevant.

There are many places to start,
I think I'll take a swing at geoengineering.
I am not responsible for anything these people say,
and do not profit from geoengineering, pro or con.

There is a funny thing here.
I watched this entire video,
and not a single person in it was wearing a tin foil hat.
I don't think tin foil is mass produced anymore, anyway.

If it's wrong, or if it's right, tell me how.
Convince me. Demonstrate it to me.

Try to avoid charts or graphs in the aim of proving what the experts say.
Anyone who has even the most minimal grasp on the subject,
if you have an idea, that you think you can back up with logic,
please leave it in the comments below.
Geoengineering, Weather Modification, Stratospheric Aerosols (Chemtrails)



I'll watch the video, there's tons of stuff on chemtrails, I've seen quite a bit already. HAARP in Alaska, if I'm not mistaken is a weather modification unit (among other similarly detestable things). I'll let you know what I think...Also need to consider EMP's along with this.

I didn't want to go ranging too far to start. Last time I checked there are at least a dozen HAARP type installations around the planet. I'll probably make a separate post just for that.

gona soon be like snow piercer or colony.

If we can get the controller's foot off our neck, we can do better than either of those.

in futuraramma they make the comment that luckly nucular winter cancled out global warming.
always gives me a chuckle.

Stop global warming by starting a nucular winter!

As long as I get to stay out of the way of the actual detonations, ok.

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