Geo-Engineering & Chemtrails. LOOK UP !

in #geoengineering8 years ago (edited)

I originally published this 2 years ago on a Wordpress blog which is why the dates in the piece are from so long ago.

It's been a couple of years now since I first started considering the possibility that Geo-engineering techniques such as Solar Radiation Management might be being used worldwide without the consent/knowledge of the public.

During that time, I've spent countless hours researching the subject and come to realise the following,

a) Using the term 'Chemtrail' is a bad idea

b) There is too much evidence for me to dismiss Geo-engineering or 'Chemtrails' as another 'Conspiracy Theory'

Firstly, there is no doubting that the technology / apparatus required to undertake geo-engineering projects exists (and to control the weather in general), and has done for some time. See this list of over 100 patents going right back to the 1920's including 'Process and apparatus for the production of intense artificial clouds, fogs or mists' from 1920 or the simply titled, 'Weather Modification Method' from 1971. The topic has also been discussed in detail in various scientific papers (theoretically though of course) including one from the IPCC referred to below.

Secondly, I look up at the sky regularly and what I see a lot of the time is not normal. I won't write much more on this topic as there are plenty of websites out there that go into great depth about the subject but I will end with some photos I have taken in South West England over the past 6 months which as far as I am concerned leave little doubt that something other than naturally occurring contrails are responsible for the haze filled skies. Even if naturally occurring contrails are responsible, at the very least, there should be a study into the phenomenon & steps should be taken to re-route air traffic from areas particularly badly affected.

Before you dismiss this post as another conspiracy theorist's mental ranting I recommend you spend some time checking out this page which gives some good info and links on the subject without sounding too conspiracyish.

Update (09/04/15)

I found this document today from a 2013 climate change document from the IPCC which talks a bit about Solar Radiation Management. Skip straight to page 627 and read on from there. I found the following paragraph from the end of the chapter interesting.

"There is robust agreement among models and high confidence that the compensation between GHG warming and SRM cooling is imprecise. SRM would not produce a future climate identical to the present (or pre-industrial) climate. Nonetheless, although models disagree on details, they consistently suggest that a climate with SRM and high atmospheric CO2 levels would be closer to that of the last century than a world with elevated CO2 concentrations and no SRM (Lunt et al., 2008; Ricke et al., 2010; Moreno-Cruz et al., 2011), as long as the SRM could be continuously sustained and calibrated to offset the forcing by GHGs. Aerosol-based methods would, however, require a continuous program of replenishment to achieve this. If CO2 concentrations and SRM were increased in concert, the risks and residual climate change produced by the imprecise compensation between SRM and CO2 forcing would also increase. If SRM were terminated for any reason, a rapid increase in surface temperatures (within a decade or two) to values consistent with the high GHG forcing would result (high confidence). This rate of climate change would far exceed what would have occurred without geoengineering, causing any impacts related to the rate of change to be correspondingly greater than they would have been without geoengineering. In contrast, SRM in concert with aggressive CO2 mitigation might conceivably help avoid transitions across climate thresholds or tipping points that would be unavoidable otherwise"

I took the following few photos outside my house. The trails usually start early in the morning and by midday the sky in front on the sun is obscured by the haze.

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I was watching a weather report and noticed trails on the green screen background. Are they being normalised for the public?

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I took the next two photos in Torquay on a nice summers day

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See how the trails form a haze that blocks the sun?

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The next few photos were taken from my place of work.

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Notice how some of the trails appear to be made up of different parts that appear to be heavier than others?

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Above image taken same day and time as image below but above image is taken in front of sun and the one below is not. I think this is Solar Radiation Management in action.

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A black trail? Perhaps the trail only looked black due to the time of day (dusk) but I have read and seen other examples of black trails being laid by planes.

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Even if you don't have the time to read the links provided or think my ideas are too ridiculous to entertain, I urge you to spend a bit more time doing one thing which should be enough to at least get you asking some questions. Stop looking down at your phone and..........



Don't worry about the doubters. The governments are admitting it.

"Oh yea? Why would they spray themselves? Wouldn't they be breathing it in too?" -- Typical response

As the late whistleblower, Phil Schneider, said: "The New World Order and the Alien Agenda are one of the same." [paraphrase]

People just can't seem to grasp the bigger picture.

Upvoted, resteemed, followed and featured on Stop Chemtrails Digest #2.

Thank you for keeping your eyes open and not ignoring it! Thank you for not being quiet!

For a long time I thought it was just exhaust from the jet engines until I saw close-up photos and videos that showed that the trails weren't coming from the engines at all, but from what appeared to be nozzles under the wings.

A storm in a cup. What's unnatural about it?

Whether the trails are naturally occurring or contain additives such as aluminum as suggested by some, I have watched clear blue skies turn hazy with the sun being blocked as a direct result of the trails being laid by planes, as have my others around the world who have also documented this. Research into Geoengineering has been ongoing for decades and a researchers are on record as saying the apparatus and methods to conduct a world wide programme are available and the cost would run into the low billions of dollars. I'm aware that just because something is possible it doesn't mean it is happening but all I know is that I'm old enough to remember (only just) when the skies were deep blue and not full of plane trails.

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