North West Florida: Lots of Geo Engineering TodaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #geoengineering8 years ago (edited)

North West Florida, WATCH OUT... I have seen about 10 lines so far and it is barely 9AM. This is the stuff they don't want you to talk about. It has been 50 years this has been going on where the last 8 years a highly toxic Aluminum spray has been used.

I'm feeling especially passionate right now because it is winter here and in the last 3 weeks or so I have noticed only a random line show up every few days. Unfortunately, today marks a very clear break in that pattern.

Cocktail conversation anyone?

It is time to start talking about this. Realize there may never be a great time for a conversation like this. We need to see these as crimes and completely unacceptable. (A) Do the research if you have not already. (B) Notice what is going on in your area. (C) Make connections and reach out to people including any that have access to radar or Geographic information about the flights that are doing this. Publish all the information you can on social media. Make a press release out of it. Above all, (D) Talk About It - all ages even strangers. If we all do this we will get some immediate results.

Think about how our actions affect someone else

No one should have to breath this fall out especially as a result of shame, and ignorance on the part of our very own friends, teachers, and family. No offence to my own friends and family who have been fantastic; but understand that I'm going to continue to turn heat up this topic until I see some real network effect. It is a tough topic but our friends and family can't easily cast us away. What would you do? This is the best avenue we have to repeatedly wake people up until it sticks. Are we really risking that much doing this when the consequences of doing nothing are the degradation of the health and environment of nearly every living creature on the planet?

We were fantastic to ban indoor smoking. What are we having trouble banning Geo Engineering? It is clearly right before our very eyes. There is no shortage of evidence. The catalyst is simple: it is needs to be widely talked about.

What is Sanity?

Please let me suggest an idea. What does it mean to be sane?

When your health is on the line it is time to put your fear and ego aside and do something about it. Confront the deniers of these crimes and (if you're really lucky) the direct perpetrators. Help them through any ignorance, denial, or fear. Report these crimes to the public. Be strong but receptive when you get attacked or your given good feedback, learn and adapt. Realize that doing nothing when faced with crime prevention is passive aggression. It is only because of doing nothing that this is allowed to take place at this very moment.

If we see this as sane, then jokingly we might realize the reverse form holds true.


Good stuff, up-voted.

This is one of those conspiracy theories you hope for the sake of humanity that it isn't true.

just curious, what's the rub? the evidence has been all over the skies since, at least, the early 90's. it's easier now than ever to prove it to yourself. i've even found youtube videos that show how to DIY a spectroscope with your own smartphone camera. you can measure the light spectrum yourself and see what is in the atmosphere. the spectrum produced by our sun is a known thing, and has been studied at least as far back as Newton (mid to late 1600's). the continuous spectra is produced by the sun. the emission spectra, is the spectrum that is produced when light is absorbed by the electron shell of a substance in space, and then emitted again by that substance. this can be used to identify atmospheric constituents. this is how astronomers can discover the makeup of clouds of nebulae and atmospheres of distant planets.

i can't say definitively why this is being done, only that it is.

Unfortunately, the evidence for it is compelling while there is little evidence for alternative explanations.

It comes down to whether or not you believe a conspiracy of this magnitude could be pulled off. That in turn comes down to how controlled the media is. After all, almost no one has "first hand" knowledge and anyone who does have "first hand" knowledge is either a useful idiot or rejected simply because we don't want to believe them.

There is simply no natural explanation for the discovery of aluminum and other toxic particles over wide areas.

Agreed Dan.

The education system, or I should say the indoctrination system works hand in hand with the media. It only takes 15-20 years to totally change the belief system of the next generation. The globalists know this all too well and they have been systematically chipping away at us, and systematically dumbing us down for hundreds of years and I'm only talking about modern history.

Chemtrails are very real, they want to (and are) killing us and they are using many techniques to achieve this.

What is the purpose of a secret government conspiracy to spray stuff in the upper atmosphere, then? And wouldn't keeping something like this secret require a lot more than control of the media?

Propaganda works really well!! If you can imagine there is time and money invested to develop techniques to manage the population and basically keep people hard at work (paying taxes), busy, entertained, and basically out of the way.

Additionally this starts very early in schools. People really are not encouraged to really be a leader, challenge authority, and think for themselves. Instead they must fit a standard profile. All this stuff adds up.

One really has to re-think everything they learned and believed their entire life then all this stuff falls into place. It takes time, so we plant seeds in our friends, family, co-workers, and one day we get to see them grow!


I'm glad to know you came to this conclusion where there doesn't seemed to be any alternative explanations. I came to the same conclusion, so too Ted Gunderson ex chief FBI of Los Angeles, Dallas, Memphis and many others like us.

I resteemed and I look forward to people who will give geo-engineering more thoughts.

"What is wrong with congress" .. Lol, give up on that one is my suggestion. - I have to agree with him in its entirety though. Thanks for the video..

Same here. We both doesn't believe the solution will come from the current system of power.

Here is a fantastic report by @wakeupnd .. Chemtrail operation or Doomsday plane spotted circling over Denver? .. This shows what a press release might look like. I found it very exciting, lots of potential for these..

I remember hearing about that weird story.

pizzagate will give you more confidence

While you're looking, keep an eye out for bats.


Thanks. And keep an eye out for Wolves too..

I think it's easy for people to dismiss this as baseless conspiracy nonsense because they can't see the harmful effects. Maybe it would be helpful to point out the data on what these chemtrails contain, what we predict will happen as a result of this manipulation, and historical data proving out those predictions?

Your absolutly right.. Before summer sports begin again for my son Alex, I intend to revisit this material closely in an effort to limit his exposure.

I agree. Good points.

I still can't believe there are people out there that are not suspicious at all and believe it is 100% natural... Did they not remember how the sky looked when they where kids ? I personally see a big difference in Greek skies lately...

I totally agree with you.

we must keep this subject in the public discourse. this is about our current and future health. as much as i hate to say it, this is a higher priority than pizzagate.
geoengineering, GMOs, and our ability to talk about these things (fake news hysteria) are all intertwined. our freedom of speech and press is crucial to the debate over continued geoengineering and the suppression of information about it.

thanks for the post.

Agreed, all that stuff is important (vaccines, pizzagate, etc), but of all the stuff I have seen, this one is my highest priority as it is hard to escape the threat.

That said, I'm not living my life in fear (many people are scared they will have a life of fear facing news like this). Just like everything else in life, one can get adjusted to this threat too. I merely learned very well to look both ways before crossing the road. One does not need to be all freaked out and fearful to want to change things. So, I say calm so I can tolerate spending more time on the topic. I use this time to warn people there is a highway and traffic to watch out for and it is good for our health to be aware of this..

agreed. fear is unhealthy. i'm trying to dig into the ability of the individual to empower their self through detection, interpretation, and protection.

as much as i hate to say it, this is a higher priority than pizzagate.

in the quiet words of the virgin mary... come again?

I stick with "what" is happening and try to say light on the crazy "why" stuff especially if you want people to listen to you ..

There is evidence for various weather warfare applications where a government will want to weaken their target before invading. Rainfall can be manipulated for crops (for good and bad; there are winners and losers).

The official stated reason for this is to combat global warming by reflecting sunlight.. I believe it does does temporarily cool things down but we have reports that is causes ozone damage and (you guessed it), just like our drugs it may help one issue but it will bite you in the ass in the long run. Obviously there are a million of other problems caused by the dumping of megatons of aluminum into the global atmosphere.

which would be worse?

if a small percentage of people are tortured and killed in their childhood or

if the entire world's human population and many animal and plant species are killed by metal toxicity or starvation due to soils for growing crops becoming metal toxic.

dear, pure, holy, blessed, sacred, snow white, immaculate, perfect, flawless, unsullied Jesus Christ Almighty, if we cannot learn to stare at these horrors dispassionately, we have absolutely no hope of stopping them. it is a matter of priority. if we cannot stop the extermination of all of us, and instead are side tracked into an area that plays on our emotions, we are done. stick a fork in all of us.

if we can save all of us from this gruesome machine, i am all for it. if we are to do this we need priorities, not the following of the directionless flailings of the most emotional.

i have been tracking these atrocities since i first began to become aware of them in the late 80's to early 90's. i have gone through stage after stage of horrifying realization. i do not believe that people just finding out about this one scandal, now, can begin to comprehend the scope, scale, and magnitude of all these things. if you like i can begin to inform you about all the different modes and methods that are and have been being used to torture and kill us all. this is dark territory, and i have seen more than one strong mind destroyed by this knowledge. if you think you can handle it, i will do my best to give you all the information that i have already and continue to dig up about all these atrocities. i have, long ago, had to compartmentalize the emotion induced by these things, lest paranoia and terror carry my reason away.

if someone were to tell me, now, that all the oceans are composed of the blood of our dead, and the wind itself, is composed of naught but the wails and screams of our dying, i might well believe them. if we are not in hell, we are just around the corner. pizzagate is but a tiny drop in a galaxy sized ocean of this churning madness.

Thanks for talking about this James. I still have so much to learn on the subject.

One thing that people can do though to stay healthier throughout this, it to drink food-grade Diatomaceous Earth with water. DE is exceptionally good at removing aluminum from the body, plus it has numerous other health benefits too. It is 'dirt' cheap, and gentle on the body unlike many other ways of detoxing.
"Mad as a Hatter" - A Dirt Cheap Solution

Iodine detoxes aluminum well as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, and bromine. Iodine is a required nutrient because every cell in the body uses it for every chemical reaction, and if you have enough of it in your system you are virtually invincible to radiation, heavy metals, and halogens...yet iodine is highly regulated by the DEA, and it's not easily available in the mainstream food supply anymore. Less iodine + more environmental toxins = more disease

One reason it's highly regulated as it's a precursor for Methamphetamine production.

Thanks! Yea one of the safest things I can find. Especially lately, my family is using the iodine you guys sent us a while back. A little bit really goes a long ways!

That's great, @jamesc! I'm really excited to hear that. It is extremely powerful stuff; not only does it maximize the body's efficiency, but it offers incredible protection.

I take iodine too, 2 or 3 times a week.

Awesome @canadian-coconut! Your body needs it every day, and it's very important to pay attention to the kind you're taking because there is a huge variance in the quality and body's usability of iodine and iodine derivatives. Also, women need twice as much as men.

It's this type of Detoxified Iodine from the Iodine Source. It seemed to be good quality when I researched it, and bought a case of it.

Thanks for the link @canadian-coconut! At first glance, I thought this might be the same as nascent iodine, but it seems they are not. It is really important to trust the source you're consuming because there's so much variance.

DE is the other thing we use. So practical. Silica is very safe and important. Also helps keep the parasites at bay (which of course we probably don't have!).

We always buy several bottles of the Green Kombucha every week. It has Spirulina and Chlorella in it (the green bottle). This is not sweat but mixes with any juice. My kid asks for it every day. The whole family drinks this.

ZEOLITE powder removes effectively heavy metals and toxins from our body WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS !!!

Maybe good intentions, but the spraying needs to stop or it just comes back ?

I recommend one of these hats. You can fight aluminum with aluminum. Works every time for me.


Hey @donkeypong how it is going? Everyone Donkeypong and I are great friends! Lol .. We chat about Steemit...

If I were you I would not let them take advantage of my thinking like this. Think about it, if your wanting to commit a crime and you have some immunity (not full, there is still the population), would you be willing to you use this technique to make fun of people trying to expose it? How do you think the people are going to feel when this is exposed and they realize Conspiracy Theory is a propaganda campaign designed to deter people from investigating crimes.

ha ha ... not a fashion statement that I want to make ... but good to know that it works for you!

Excellently put. The risk assessment is something most people struggle with.

No matter how many people are getting increasingly affected. It's sad really.

"If we see this as sane, then jokingly we might realize the reverse form holds true".

Great post James.

Oh dear ......I wish it would not be true It's so important to report such cases as much and often as possible

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