Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Assault Captured on Film

in #geoengineering8 years ago

If the sky were on fire, would people notice?

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Guess they are noticing.. It going to take more attention. The last time the sky was clear here (yesterday) they were out assaulting the population of Navarre Florida USA with very obvious wide spread chemtrails.. Then at the local school the kids are all out playing on the playground. My kid has been told that he is not allowed to talk about it. Amazing times we live in!!


@jamesc, check this crazyness out. I run off 4g. In clear days I only get sparring 3g... in heavy cloud days.. 4g all day. I want everyone to test this out, see how many db you get in sprayosphere and how many in clear, I know one of the purposes of aluminum is to carry radio waves across the grid layed pattern.

My kid has been told that he is not allowed to talk about it.

Censorship starts early. :/

We had a solid week of heavy activity here in southern Chile, and now it has been raining with full blanket clouds across the skies for about 4 or 5 days....in the middle of summer. Not only that, but it has been the most humid 4-5 days that I have felt here in the past 2 years. Weirdest weather ever.

I should get a a picture for you next time, you would love it - of course, I use the word "love" in a cynical way. This is getting truly irritating.

they are criminals, many of us know it but swallow it for the comfort of city life...i suggest to live in the nature as i do and visit city when needed . Thank you for sharing, resteemed

far beyond criminal indeed!

Hi, @jamesc. I'm getting the impression that you are deeply dedicated to uncovering of cover-ups. If I'm correct, this might be of some interest to you:


Keep up the good work

Reshared @phibetaiota
This is important open intelligence to share.
This data in conjunction with HAARP activity produces interesting corollaries.

Is this the plane passengers ?

Based on on other testimony and photos, this plane probably does not have room for passengers.

Reshared @phibetaiota
This is important open intelligence to share.
This data in conjunction with HAARP activity produces interesting corollaries.

Upvoted, followed and featured on Stop Chemtrails Digest #1.

Thank you for keeping your eyes open and not ignoring it! Thank you for not being quiet!

If the sky were on fire, would people notice?

This is a good question and I think if it will happen during the day a lot of people will miss it!

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