Geoengineering: Crime Against Humanity

The purpose of this post is to offer some evidence on the ongoing deployment of geoengineering methods and management of solar radiation. If practices like these continue, sooner or later many will get sick and the world we remember will be a thing of the past.

Large corporations produce patents since long time ago. There is loads of evidence of fuel loaded with metals and chemicals being sprayed for many years. What many don't know is, chemtrails date far back in time even before the early 90's.

You should check out this patent from March 26, 1991.

As you could have read yourself,

A method of reducing atmospheric warming due to the greenhouse effect
resulting from a layer of gases in the atmosphere which absorb strongly near infrared wavelength radiation, comprising the step of dispersing tiny particles of a material within the gases' layer, the particle material characterized by wavelengthdependent emissivity or reflectivity, in that said material has high emissivities
with respect to radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength spectra, and low emissivity in the near infrared wavelength spectrum, whereby said tiny particles provide a means for converting infrared heat energy into far infrared radiation which is radiated into space.

The greenhouse gas layers extends about seven and thirteen kilometers above the earth's surface. The seeding of stratosphere is deployed within this levels. As a result of it, the particles get suspended in the stratosphere and provide a way to convert blackbody radiation emitted by earth close to infrared wavelengths into radiation in the visible and far infrared wavelength so that the heat energy can be reradiated out into space, and therefore reduce Global warming thankfully to Greenhouse effect.

The method of claim 10 wherein said material comprises Aluminum oxide (Al2O3)
The method of claim 10 wherein said material is Thorium oxide

It is presently believed that particle sizes in the ten to one hundred micron range
would be suitable for the seeding purposes. Larger particles would tend to settle to
the earth more quickly.

The particles in the required size range can be obtained with grinding and meshing methods.

Since greenhouse gases are at altitude of seven to thirteen kilometers, this suggests that particle seeding must be applied at an altitude around 10 kilometers. The particles can be seeded by dispersal from seeding aircrafts; exemplary technique may be via the jet fuel as suggested by prior work regarding the metallic particles.

Read more about Cloud seeding here.

Don't ignore the part that refers to the longstanding practice of adding metals in the fuel - it is prior work that was done before. What that means is, metals can easily be added to jet fuel an the practice was done since long time ago.

The facts already shown us how metals and sulfides are added in the exhaust stream/ fuel so specific sized H2SO4 droplets are created, used for cloud nucleation. You can read more about it in:


Written by Alan Robock, Allison Marquardt, Ben Kravits and Georgiy Stenchikov from Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick and New Jersey, 2009.

Options for dispersing gases from planes include the addition of sulfur to the fuel, which would release the aerosol through the exhaust system of the plane, or the attachment of a nozzle to release the sulfur from its own tank within the plane, which would be the better option.

As Schwartz and Randall stated in 2003:

The military has already manufactured more planes than would be required for this
geoengineering scenario, potentially reducing the costs of this method. Since climate
change is an important national security issue, the military could be directed to carry out this mission with existing aircraft at minimal additional cost. Furthermore, the KC-135 fleet will be retired in the next few decades as a new
generation of aerial tankers replaces it, even if the military continues to need the in-flight refueling capability for other missions.

Contrary to small jet fighter-planes, the KC-10 and KC-135 can refuel planes mid-flight and have a nozzle installed.

The science is demonstrating the idea right in front of our noses every single day. In case you are not aware of it, read more about it here.

It is not even a secret, everything is right here in plain sight.


As David L Mitchell and William Finnegan wrote back in 2009:

Since commercial airliners routinely fly in the region where cold cirrus clouds exist, it is hoped that the seeding material could either be (1) dissolved or suspended in their jet fuel and later burned with the fuel to create seeding aerosol, or (2) injected into the hot engine exhaust, which should vaporize the seeding material, allowing it to condense as aerosol in the jet contrail. The objective would not be to seed specific cloud systems but rather to build up a background concentration of aerosol seeding material so that the air masses that cirrus will form in will contain the appropriate amount of seeding material to produce larger ice crystals.

What that will result in?

Mankind becoming increasingly dependent on Geoengineering usage, while Geoengineering can only neutralize greenhouse gas for a limited amount of time before the inevitable happens - increase in greenhouse gas levels and overwhelming the radiative forcing. At that moment, a planetary climate holocaust will follow.


There are many satellite evidence of the massive spraying going above our heads everyday. I encourage you to check the link here.

Below you can see the picture I recently got my hands on, its analytical report of soil in Redmond:

As you probably realized, the Aluminum and Barium levels are in extremely high doses potentially really vulnerable for us.

Every single truther out there will instantly realize what Barium (Ba) + Aluminum (Al) represents. Hopefully more and more people will wake up and face the facts.

The truth is way more harsh as potentially is wrong word, this is reality. I've shown more examples in my previous articles, find them here and here.

Hopefully this topic gets much more recognition on Steemit. I can see it growing daily and the results we can achieve are not even predictable. Only thing I know, there is around 8% of people Woke to the geoengineering reality at the moment. We are getting closer and closer. Around 10% should be enough to get the viral effect and awake the critical mass that is still sleeping. Lets stay together and tough in this battle. Only togetherness can bring us something.

Feel free to use this graphic if you feel it can aid you. :) Peace out


love the post man. I get mad people don't lookup. I wish I got more people looking at chemtrails. I post and post. I will always fight, seek truth and wake people up. awesome stuff man.

Me too man. :) This is just the beginning. When I find some time off my schedule, I plan to produce many more higher quality posts

post are great but people are dumb. Look up and you'll find out the truth. it is not normal. I hope you check out some of my stuff. Its past voting but i think you will like the fight.

You are so right. People slowly are starting to look up and notice. At one time, people used to look at me like I was crazy. Now I get much different reactions(most of the time). Much more curious, people want more info. They DO notice but don't know what it could be.
Thank you for getting us closer to that "viral" level. : )

Thx for always following my Geoengineering posts :) Appreciate it a lot. You are kind

I like your post

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