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RE: The Daily Dose - August 25th 2018 by @anouk.nox

UGh! THat is so frustrating! And it's so frustrating when I see people on FB posting the neat "checkerboard patterns" or those really cool rainbow clouds. I'm overhear screaming inside my head, "Does that really seem normal or ok to you?!?"


Yeah, I must admit I really can't imagine anymore that people don't see that this is wrong? I mean normal clouds are so rare, that I take a picture when I see them! Most days I look up and it's one grey mass in the sky like they've erased the clouds.. or it's filled with these patterns.. and I live near Budapest airport.. we see planes flying over multiple times a day..
trust me those planes fly on totally different heights, and they don't make these extreme angles in the sky.. plus sometimes you see normal plane with one of those trails things behind it.. guess what.. the normal one doesn't leave a mark ..
It's so freaking obvious to me, once you have noticed this is not normal it's hard not to look at, right?

@anouk.nox Haha! I did that just today1 Took a picture of the beautiful clouds because it's so rare to see them in their natural state anymore... When people speak of manmade global warming, this activity is what comes to my mind.

Yes, absolutely.. and you know I wasn't aware of this problem that much in Holland. But when we went to Spain, our first months were volunteering at a few different places.. the second address we volunteered was a hostel deep in the mountains, very boring several days.. and we had plenty of time to sit and watch the clouds.. and observe what happened.. I became very aware of the routines they have making them. Later when we found our own apartment in Spain I still witnessed them every day.. here in Budapest it seems even worse ...
The normal clouds are really really rare.. It's a sad thing, but I don't think there's anything we can do to stop that..

@anouk.nox Bringing attention to it is a start, but it is frustrating being treated like an alarmist for merely pointing out the obvious...

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