Signs that YOU ARE a GENIUS

in #genius7 years ago (edited)

signs that you are genius 2.png
According to

Cesare Lombroso.,_%D0%A7%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5


Your hands or feet are colder than the rest of your body

this can mean that more blood goes to the brain.

Your workflow goes better in warm seasons

In the winter you work badly and you often do not have enough heat.

You have small body

Famous for short stature as well as for genius were:
Horace, Alexander, Aristotle, Plato, Epicurus,


Among great men of tall stature, I only know Volta
Goethe, Petrarch, Schiller, Foscolo,
Bismarck, Dumas


Caesar feared the lean face of Cassius.

Demosthenes, Aristotle, Cicero,
Giotto, Erasmus, Kepler,
were all extremely thin in the flower of their age.

YOU were weak and sickly in childhood

such were Demosthenes, Bacon, Newton, Locke, Adam
Smith, Flaxman, Haller,

YOU HAVE DAMAGED YOUR brain or skull and acquired savant syndrome

The celebrated Australian novelist, Marcus Clarke, when a child, received
a blow from a horse's hoof which crushed his skull. 2 The
same is told of Vico, Gratry, Clement VI., Malebranche,
and Cornelius hence called a Lapide.

Maybe in the future, we all will be a genius

  • it requires an only proper hit on the head.

BUT NOT NOW, it can make you more stupid.


pretty good poets while they are maniacal ; but when cured can no longer write verse."
And again, "Men illustrious in poetry, politics, and arts, have often been
melancholic and mad, or misanthropic, like
Bellerophon. Even in modern times such characters
have been noted in Socrates, Empedocles, Plato, and in
many others, especially poets."

Democritus was more explicit,

and would not believe that there could be a good poet who was not out of his mind

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