in #genesisproject7 years ago

".... life itself can be likened to the current in the oceans whose current surges as the tides dot ebb and flows...."

Sometimes we humans make the assumption that men are masters of their fate but the shocking bitter-truth is that the invincible hands of fate doth cruelly shapes the defining moment of a mans life or simply put, the trajectory of mans existence.An illustration will suffice, what if Shakespeare had not been born in Strafford Upon Avon, what if Leonardo Da Vinci had not been born during renaissance era, what if the legendenry French herione, Joan of Arc had not demonstrated daring courage by leading France to victory during the reign of Louis ixvi, what if Napoleon had not confronted The Duke of Wellington at Waterloo, and what if Adolphous Hitler had not existed curtesy the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand by Gavrillo Princip,heir apparent to the Austra- Hungrian Throne, what would have been the fate of Sir Winston Churchhill of Britain and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of United States e.t.c these instances aptly sums it up that, it is one thing to possess a mastery of inborne craft but it another thing if the one who possesses the mastery of genius is not being cruelly catapulted by fate to the theatre of destiny.

Being a good critic of literature and being a profoundly deeply celebrated Nobel Prize Winner of literature are two different ball games entirely or simply put, a different kettle of fish.Likewise, a successfull business Icon and a celebrated erudite professor of Bussiness Cum Entrepreneural Studies are extreme polar beings . A tale is told from the Greek mythology realm, of how Plato, the proponent of the Philosopher King, which advocated that only those who have been trained in the statescraft and finess of the discipline of Philosophy are the ones deemed fit and proper to govern the city-state.The tragic fall-out of this botched political experiment was that Platos mentor and protege Dionysius ii, who presided over the affairs of the city-state and ended up being a ruthless dictator who became obsessed with the assassination of the life of his master, that is Plato himself.The kernel of this bitter-truth is that greatness cannot be tranferred to ones bloodline the same way kingship is being bequeated to ones heir apparent, there is a price to pay which only nature determines the price.

There is a puzzle that often arises when pondering over the mysteries of greatness, it is the debate over the rationale of the concept of war, whether certain wars can be given a blanket cover of being Just.The arguements of who are deemed as true patriots of the republic and who take a different world view called Traitors.William of Orange, the Scottish conqueror in the spirit of Scottish imperialism with bitter dogged resilience tried to flush-out the eblems of the English race but the English race like proverbial cat with nine lives refuesd to be expunged from human race.During the dark days of World War II,the Allied Powers were all united in the rallying cry of patriotism to expung the evil machinations of the Axis Powers. The United States in the Statesmanship of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Sir Winston Churchill , Comrade Josef Stalin of Russia marshalled their citizens with inspiring rhethorical cadences spices with war-like bravery to the war front to take-up arm against the Axis of evils, Adolphous Hitler of Germany, Benito Mussolini of Fascist Italy .Soldiers from the Allied Power countries believed in the patriotic quest of doing everything within their powers to preserve the civilization of mankind.

The reverse is the case today whereby nations find it difficult to agree on which war is Jus or which is not.The war in Dibienphu spear-headed by France left a bitter-taste in its history, the war in Afghanistan aggressively pursued by the Soviet-Union left a bad taste of Russian dead soldiers littered in cementary of the War Memorial, and the United- States suffered years of trauma dented goodwill as result of a war most of its citizen argued was in their interest thus not a Jus War.Today ,there seems to be series un-ending wars with catastrophic human deaths in places like Afghanistan, the Middle East, Syria e.t.c.Politics being a socio-ethical discipline clothed with the garland of Social-Contract gives the citizenry the legtimate powers and moral impetus to question the war decisions of their elected leaders, if their leaders under the deceptive cloak of dubious presidential war powers summon their men in uniform with patriotic rallying cry of a call to bear arms.

For me and every consciensce imbued citizen, we should not question the dubious nature of draconian executive powers but should in the spirit of the tolling bells of patriotism echoe the sentiments of an unknown soldier whose dying declaration at the war front was that there is a place worth dying for, which is ones beloved home country home.`

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