Do you work, keep on pushing at the end you will be successful

in #genesis-project6 years ago (edited)

Dont give up keep pushing there is no limits in what you can achieve. This are some of the words i could remember when i was still struggling in steemit few months ago. You have to motivate you self in achieving any thing you want to achieve. Note that success dont not comes cheaply. Most of the people thinks that success is over night, i want to let you know that over night success is impossible. You dont jump in success you grow in success


Are u sick and tired of steemit because you post is not been seen by people who will give you the require upvote you desired. Most time it is very frustrating in steemit when after you spend two to three hours creating a quality post at the of you not get the require upvotes for that post which is very frustrating. There is nothing more frustrating more than this, like not seeing results of hard work.

I want to tell this even if you are not seeing your desire result in steemit because your post is not been notice please i wanna encourage you to never give ur in your steemit pursuit. Never stop doing what you are because a day is very fast when your hard work will pay off. Remember this as long as you live consistency is one of the major key in any pursuit of sucess.

At a stage were your result for your hard work is not producing huge result all you have to do at the junction is to be internally motivated for you to be able to contiune chasing your desire dreams and goals.

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Do you know that every time im getting discourage in steemit due to low output i just have a way of motivating when i thought of the potentials in steemit how it can help masses of people financially. Other by wish i usually motivates my self is by visiting the nigerian tag on steemit to get myself motivated by view post of mang Nigerians here on steemit who are doing very well.

Do you know the Nigerian steemit community is one of the most active steemit community Generally. Do you know that i was in steemit chat this morning were some group of persons were all dilebrating about how steemit is really helping the mass in Nigeria.

Keep on pushing because limits can be pushed to any level you wished. Never give up on your pursuit for success because success only comes to does who never quit. Keep on pressing never give up because quitters never wins and winner never quite. Back in the days i was searching for soluation to a particular problem which had been a problem in my life. Do yoy know that in the search for solution i was almost giving up because at one point in time thing look very dufficult which i was thinking that it is the end of the world but because of my pressing for solutions at the end i was victorious.


What i wanna tell you is that the solutions to our problems are found within us. Every individual living today has some hidden potentials traped inside of them to profer solutions to their problem and to the problems of other. Do out there and discovery your hidden potentials.

Do you know that the empowerment opportunities that steemit has given to us. So i dont see any reason why some persons we be out there complaining of not getting upvotes in their blogs. Dont complain because complaining we never solve any thing all you have to do is to keep on pressing untill there is result for you. Some times it pains me when im seeing newbies abandoning their steemit blog because of they all want over night success and quick money. It does not work that way, if you are not an investor then u must really work and engage with the community.

In conclusion build your self, your potentials in achieving your desired result not only in steemit but also in other areas of life.

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Thanks to the Nigerian steemit community for this amazing badge.


I see you growing stronger and better. One day, you can become a whale. You have actually demonstrated your ability of self motivation. I salute your ressiliance to match on and swim against d tide. Ride my man: seeing someone you know growing in steemit is a full prove for self motivation. Pls try and support my young communuty.

Count in me in 100% in support of your community

I really admire your effort @okoro in trying to motivate and inspire newbies like us to succeed. It will go a long way in spurring up lots of people here... I have had moments where I almost quit but here I am steeming... I really appreciate you bro.

Thanks you bro dont quite keep on moving

"All you have to do is to keep on pressing until there is result for you".
Great advice here! Thank you for the thoughtful words. :)

U are welccome

We are together. I will watch your back and you watch my too.

On self motivated. When u are discourage, look inside of you, find something to stair up strength. Upvoted and following you.

thank you sir i saw your amazing vidoe on dtube

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