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RE: Genetic Modifications - A Question of Morality

in #genes7 years ago

The debate currently going on in the public sphere by certain influences isn't really about morals, but rather, should some use their own moral beliefs to control others.

Is it hypothetically possible that we could create some new class of super human through genetic manipulation? Yeah. Then they would likely interbreed with humans, and we'd probably have a stronger race as a result, because certain traits were more common, and others less so. The problem comes when society, or those individuals, starts seeing them as greater. The problem isn't with the genetic manipulation itself, but people's reaction to it.

Likewise, if a parent chooses to abort a fetus with a genetic abnormality, is it their choice, or should a government step in and say they aren't allowed to do that? Will society be better if many genetic illnesses become incredibly rare? Probably.

What about genetic modification? If a parent decides that they want a stronger or smarter child, is that bad? Is it so bad that the government needs to force the will of others upon them?

These are not moral dilemmas, they are debates on if the morally righteous' viewpoints should be forced upon others who otherwise would make the determination themselves.

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