Standby Generators, Its Benefits and Frequently Asked Questions about Standby Generators

in #generator2 years ago (edited)

Standby generators are also known as whole house generators, and they are appliances that serve as power backup when there's an outage. Power failure might be due to harsh weather, epileptic power supply, or electrical faults. Thus, the need for standby generators can never be overemphasized.

Best standby set up generators sense when there's a power blackout, and it comes on immediately, transferring the electrical loads around the home appliances.

Every home needs a standby generator that will keep all the electronics running. There's always a dullness around the house when there's no electricity. Everywhere can be bland and refrigerated meals can spoil, while there might be a hindrance in doing power-related activities.

There are several benefits of standby generators, and here are some of them.

Benefits of Standby Generator

1) They're Stationary fixtures

Standby generators are enormous, and it can be easy to transport them whenever their need arises. Thus, they're stationary fixtures that save you the stress of moving them to and fro.

2) No refuelling

Compared to portable generators, standby generators don't need to be refuelled every hour. As long as the standby generator is connected to a gas line, it can run for as long as you want.

3) Automatic Transfer Switch

Most whole house generators come with a transfer switch that senses power failure and switches almost immediately. Thus, you might not even know there's a power outage since your generator will take over within seconds.

4) Fuel Consumption

Standby generators run on natural gas, liquid propane, and diesel, to mention a few. Hence, each generator is designed with a feature of low fuel consumption. Their automotive-style engine also contributes to the fuel efficiency of whole house generators.

5) Saves money

Either directly or indirectly, standby generators help you to save money. The first purchase is an investment that will save you from wasting money on power alternatives. Also, since a constant power supply will keep your refrigerator running, you won't have to throw away spoiled food.

Frequently Asked Questions About Standby Generators

● How long can my standby generator run?

Standby generators can run for about 3000 hours or more, depending on the brand and maintenance.

● How will I install the generator?

Usually, the generator is installed by an electrician, but you can do it if you know. However, if you see that the installation is complicated, don't hesitate to call an electrician.

● Which Fuel option would I use for my generator?

Standby generators usually use liquid propane, diesel, and natural gas fuel options. Any of these options are perfect. Moreover, it would help to stay away from gasoline standby generators as they usually have a short shelf life.

● Where should I keep my generator?

Standby generators are usually kept in places where they'll quickly be repaired and maintained. However, you have to be careful and keep it in a place far away from water. Also, you should adhere to the manual's instructions while choosing a suitable place for your whole house generator.

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