

  1. International Immigration Relief (IOM) was the 166th member of the country, which was a member of Tonga.
  2. Which is the top tax friendly country in the tax index of 2017 - United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
  3. Which is the lowest country in the tax payers index
  4. The rate of Bangladesh in the tax payers list is as follows: 151th
  5. Which country is the top country in the capability report in the index of global trade in 2016? Singapore.
  6. Which is the lowest country in the global trade capability report of 2016 - Venezuela
  7. Bangladesh's position on the global trading capability index of 2016 is: 123th
  8. In 1971, how many developed countries (LDCs) were included in the U-21.
  9. How many countries have come out of LDC - 4
  10. Bangladesh will achieve the preliminary qualification of the LDC list by any means
  11. In Bangladesh, LDC will come out of the list by U-214 years.
  12. On December 12, 2016, New Zealand took over as the 39th Prime Minister.
  13. On December 12, 2016, he took over as the 57th Prime Minister of Italy - who was - Paulo Jentiloni.
  14. On December 6, 2016, he took over as the Prime Minister of France - Barnard Kazanov.
  15. The 45th President of the United States, who is - Dollald Trump.
  16. United States 48th Vice President K. A. Mike Pence
  17. 69th Minister of State Kay Kay - Rex Tyleron
  18. Who is the US Finance Minister? A. Steven Mucin
  19. Defense Minister K. N. - James N. Mattis.
  20. United Nations Secretary General K. O. Antonio Gutterus (Ptyagal)
  21. Antonio Guterres is the UN Secretary General
  22. What is the name of the current President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) - Bandar Alou - Thousands (Saudi Arabia)
  23. National Jute Day is when - March 6th
  24. Bangladesh Nursing Council is the name of its current name - Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council.
  25. Bangabandhu National Agricultural Award Trust Bill has been passed in the Parliament of Bangladesh 2016 - 6 December 2016
  26. Bangladesh National Cadet Corps (BNCC) Bill passed in the parliament of 2016, - 6 December 2016.
  27. Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Bill passes in the 2016 Parliament passed the N-7 December 2016.
  28. Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council Bill, 2016, passed in the National Parliament, in the year -7 December 2016
  29. The Supreme Court of Bangladesh, on the basis of the decision of Lady Justice, was given the resolution of the scandal, namely - Mrinal Haque.
  30. Sustainable Development International Tourism Year No tourist year is a year - 2017
  31. 30 January, 017 Australia's first female chief justice took charge as the Chief Justice - Susan Caiaphale.
  32. In Forbes magazine, in 2016, in the list of 74 powerful people in the world, the powerful person, who is the patriarch of North-Westami Putin (Russia)
  33. In order to become a member of the United States Senate, the candidate will have to be less than how old: 30 years.
  34. What is the full form of RCEP? - Regional comprehensive partnership
  35. In order to be a member of the United States Council, the candidate must be of the age of not less than 25 years.
  36. The new king of Malaysia, who is the fifth Muhammad, took responsibility for 13 December 2016
  37. How many countries of the world are organic farming? U-172 countries Of these, 87 (the country has invented bi-organic agriculture).
  38. China officially formalized by Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - 14 November 2016
  39. According to the rules of any company, the product must be registered for the geographical indicator. WTO
  40. The word Bhutan comes from a language - the word "integrated" from the word "Uthan", which means "high land"
  41. What is the name of China's Stilth fighter? - Chengdu J-20
  42. The Paris Climate Agreement is effective - November 4, 2016.
  43. Japan signed the first non-governmental nuclear cooperation agreement with a country that has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), signed November 11, 2016.
  44. The strategy of victory or strategic victory is the autobiography writer: Fidel Castro
  45. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died when - 25 November 2016
  46. Fidel Castro was involved with a group - 26th of July Movement.
  47. What is the name of the Bangladesh Department of Haor and Wetlands Development Department? - Department of Bangladesh Haror and Wetlands Development
  48. Father of paediatric in Bangladesh, who is known as ---- Professor AR Khan.
  49. Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), the current Director General, who was the Chief General Abul Hossain, assumed responsibility, took responsibility, A. 16 November, 2016.

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