Leftists still seem to think that it's baffling that anyone would ever lie about being trans.

in #gender4 months ago


I've taken a lot of flack in recent years for taking the side that we shouldn't take gender identity simply on the basis of what people tell you.

The thing is, I understand why they find it baffling. If they're my age, they grew up with gay rights still being an issue, and the only exposure major exposure to the idea of trans people were films like The Crying Game and Boys Don't Cry.

The thing is that modern leftists never want to admit when western nations have "progressed" or moved further to the left. Radical leftists insist that we're still living in a form of Jim Crowe. The people who are baffled that anyone, in 2024, would lie about being trans, are mostly the people who yelled "Racist!" at anybody who didn't immediately believe Jussie Smollett.

Leftism it's built around discouraging the asking of questions.

Yes, of course, up until recent years, it would be baffling to suggest that a person who came out as trans was lying about it. But, within recent years, several western nations have changed public policy to create serious incentives for people, especially biological males, to do so. Culture has shifted to broaden the idea of what gender identity entails. Just talking to my niece and nephew, they've both said that being gender non-conforming is a trendy thing in their schools.

The low hanging fruit for me here is the prison systems. If you live in a country like Spain, or a state like Washington, and the policy is that you're housed on the basis of gender identity rather than biological sex, and you don't have to identify as a woman -- just as non-binary, and you have the "option" to undergo "gender affirming care" without it being required -- namely, you can enter a woman's prison with a functioning dick and balls -- why wouldn't a man lie in order to get that option?

The first internationally known case of this of which I'm aware came from Spain, in which a man who was convicted of raping a woman decided to identify as a woman, and was sent to a woman's prison. Are we not allowed to question the honesty of this person?

Amber McLaughlin is still being reported as the first trans-woman to be executed in These United States. Well, he identified as a man when he murdered and raped (in that order) his ex-girlfriend. He identified as a man for more than a decade of his prison term. He only started to identify as a woman when the state of Missouri changed its policy to allow people to petition for rehousing on the basis of gender identity. Are we not allowed to question whether or not this person was really trans?

Washington state has already placed a male who was convicted of raping an underage girl in a woman's prison.

Still, it's not just convicts. I would say that radical leftists and activists avoid this subject like the plauge because it contaminates the logic that they want to apply to culture in general. They want us to say that Sam Smith is a "they/them" and call out bigotry if we call him "him." They want us to accept that Demi Lovato is a they/them until she decides that she isn't. They want us to accept that Layshia Clarendon is whatever he/she/they wants to be at any given moment. Still, what would these people say is Brock Turner hadn't been let off with a slap on the wrist, got sentenced to ten years in prison, and he suddenly said, "I'm non-binary." and he were sent to a woman's prison under the policies and the logic that so many of you are advocating for? Would any one of you call me a "bigot" for saying that I don't believe him?

Criminals clearly have a lot of reasons, in several states and several western nations, to lie about being trans, or "gender non-conforming." What about your average pervert or incel? What about the dude who can't get a woman to want to take her clothes off in front of him willfully; so, he takes advantage of Canadian law, or the locker room policies at several universities or Planet Fitness, just to get into the women's showers?

Yeesh, the woke left is giving us hissy-fits over eighties sex comedies with boys making peep holes to look into the girls' showers. You can't imagine, with some of these laws and policies, that some men might avoid the bother of drilling a peep hole, simply declare themselves as identifying as women, and be given open access to these women's spaces? I mean, hell, when this happened that a man (apparently identifying as a woman) was shaving in a women's locker room at a Planet Fitness, they punished the woman for complaining.

Yaniv, who I'll avoid either "dead naming" or using his more popular woman's name, seems to be a textbook example of an incel, pedophile, and sexual deviant who's gaming a bunch of dumb laws in Canada.

Yaniv isn't an attractive person in any way. When you see photos of Yaniv presenting as a man, you can understand why it would be hard for him to find women who wanted to voluntarily touch his dick. He was also trolling underage girls in chat rooms about sexual functions and so-on.

Canada decided to change her discrimination laws. Suddenly, this dude became a girl who started threatening to sue women if they wouldn't wax his penis. Suddenly, this male "woman", and known pervert, was organizing a clothing-optional swim party for young girls -- parents not welcome.

Still, I have to respect this person's pronouns? I have to believe this person in regard to gender identity? Seriously, I've been through this for years. When I talk about Yaniv, every leftist's first priority has been the fucking pronouns, and not how this person has been using the law to force women to choose between touching his manhood against their will or be sued into oblivion.

Finally, it's a dumb argument that several leftists have made that, by making this argument, I'm denying that trans people can do bad things.

Trans-women aren't the same thing as women. Trans-people are people. All people are capable of good and evil actions. I'm Blaire White or Marcus Dib or Buck Angel suddenly went out and murdered somebody, which I don't forsee happening, I wouldn't hesitate to use their preferred pronouns any more than I do now. The prison housing situation would be complicated with them, in this hypothetical scenario. Still, this wouldn't be a situation in which any of these people are gaming the system, and our recent obsession with gender ideology, to take advantage of the system.

Seriously, just... start making sense. Come back down to earth. Understand that people lie about everything.

Understand that the quickest way to say something stupid is to start a sentence with, "Nobody lies about..."

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