Realities for reflection 79: Tell me how you speak and I will tell you who you are.

in #gems3 years ago

Words are like bees: it has honey and a sting.

Words that are not followed by deeds are useless. DEMOSTENES.

Words are like coins, one is worth many as many are not worth one. FRANCISCO DE QUEVEDO.

When we let the forest die, the words lose their meaning. GÜNTER GRASS.

God hides things by putting them in front of you. RALP WALDO EMERSON.

The tongue of the wise is medicine. THE BIBLE.

The Lord God gave me the tongue of a wise man, to know how to speak when it is an appropriate word to the weary; I wake up the morning after morning, my ear wakes me up to hear like the instructed.
The Lord God opened my ear, I was not rebellious, nor did I turn back. ISAIAH 50: 4-5

The way your mind works certainly affects you. Think that life is easy or think that life is hard, in both cases you will end up being right. ERNIE ZELINSKY.

Words have power: the power to build a fence that protects your dreams, but also power so that words of contempt if you accept them in your life, destroy your dreams. Every word that comes out of your mouth will be the door you walk through when faced with a difficult circumstance. Words bring you profit or loss, they will secure or destroy your esteem and your security.

Phrases like: “I can't”, “I'm not worth it”, “I don't know”, “I'm clumsy for this role”.

They are phrases that we say to ourselves that daily weaken our emotional security and those phrases end up becoming like ticks in our lives, which nullify all the capacities that we have to enjoy life.

But there is a goal, a dream, a purpose that you cannot abandon: Your life. For her, we also have words: Faith, courage. Safety, goal, destination; These are words that from the moment you begin to apply them to your life will bear fruit one hundred percent.

Destroy everything that limits you, before that limitation destroys you. And once this is done, forget what is left behind, reach out, take what belongs to you, everything that is to come. Always remember God is with you, you just have to trust with all your heart.

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