Bankers or Banksters as in Real World Gangsters?

in #gems3 years ago

Banking has evolved from a simple one-on-one lending mechanism to controlling governments worldwide, that's the result of amassing large wealth in the hands of few and allowing them to run countries through paid politicians while giving the commons the illusion that their elections are free and democratic.


A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
-Mark Twain

Twain's quote couldn't be truer, it's simply because bankers have never been held accountable for their wrongdoings, they run loose with laws they invent and impose on the public, they are allowed to be involved in every aspect of life directly, they are given powers to collect their debts at the worse circumstances, and above all, they never lose while they push everybody else to lose.

Did I mention they're greedy as well? Not in our understanding of greediness, it's a whole different level of absolute soul-less greediness, and they enjoy that.

It's not surprising why every major religion, except the religion of the Antichrist, has banned usury, the backbone of the banksters, why not turn all banks into investment banks offering the same services to the clients as the current banks and accepting profit and loss based on the outcome of the mutual investment?

This would also limit the borrowers from borrowing money they are not sure they can return or to borrow money for spending on leisure, and would also limit the ability of the banksters from stealing the livelihood savings of entire families. Think about it.

Image source: New Syria FB page.

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