Unpacking the GeekBOX!

in #geek7 years ago

Oh, you thought there are no more GeekBOXes incoming. Well, you were W R O N G!
In all honesty, I wasn't sure I had any left but it seems this one found my way to me..and lemme spoil it for you: it does not suck.

Let's see what's inside!


Right upon opening: I SEE SOCKS! A teaser, yes, but I love socks!! Also that t-shirt looks pretty sweet too.

I was RIGHT! SONIC SOCKS! Even the name sounds right. I always liked Sonic but wondered: where was this guy always running to....

Now, of course, the t-shirt is my most expected item. You can wear it, sleep in it, use it for dusting...IT's always a good thing to have around the house. Sometimes it has a great design too.
I am not sure what this refers to. Maybe I'm not geeky enough?
It's cool though! I will not dust with this one!!!

Ok, now the cup. There is always a fucking cup of coffee in these boxes. Why? I dunno.
How many mugs can a person need?
I dunno.
But this one is good! Probably my favorite piece of the whole box:

I mean MARIO!!! Come on. This looks true to life! well..true to game :)

The final piece is this metal poster that is actually gonna get hanged somewhere because:
and because
I am afraid of the dark!!!

Not a bad box at all as I've said. Almost makes me think I should get another 6 months of boxes....
Y/N? <--- leave a comment!


It's fun watching people unbox those but to be honest I like to choose what I want to get and not be handed random stuff, even though I understand the excitement of not knowing what you will find :)

that's the fun man!!! not knowing....the mystery. the disappointment!!

PS: comentariu fara upvote e un cel mai murdar lucru din lume :))

P.S daca nu ai rabdare ca steemvoter sa isi faca treaba e cel mai murdar lucru din lume :P

opps :D my bad my bad!

cool thanks for sharing...

What is in your geeky box are cool, I wish I can have one and see what is inside. I love the Sonic socks, I would prefer a flash t-shirt etc. I do miss out in so many things in my country, planning to start my Msc program ending of the year in Chicago, USA. I am sure all these fun stuffs I will part in them.
Almost makes me think I should get another 6 months of boxes... Yes

Yes, maybe? This sure is a good box - I just love that Mario cup (although I have too many cups, as is) LOL
And the socks...and the poster...Question, do the socks give you an extra speed boost?
I love funky items, maybe you should get more boxes, I mean come on, do you seriously want to wear shirts from the boring ole store? ;)

haha. dunno what to tell you but I felt pretty fast today :)))

Then there's our answer ;))

And then you tell me you weren't wearing the socks or something, I know :D
Only joking...Go, Razvan, go!

Some precious items you got there, haha. I'm just being jelly, I don't have any geek stuff other than some t-shirts with superheroes, lol. Enjoy the loot! 😊

i just love this word: loot!!!

In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it. thanks for this great post

What's that? Gift?

no. is like a monthly subscription box. you just get a box with whatever they send every month :D

That's like paid Santa Claus! :P
What else have you got in the box so far?

socks and mugs? it's like father's day every month!

De ce? În primul rând ai o bucurie când despachetezi, pe urmă ai șansa să primești ceva interesant și nu în ultimul rând poți face o postare ca aceasta care la rândul ei bucură ceva oameni și plătește conținutul.

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