The lost

in #gedwriting7 years ago

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  The warm African sunrise would brighten up the land of the Zulu people. The Zulu tribe was a very peaceful tribe and lived off the lush land. The children would run around and the adults had their appointed duties. It was a large family unit that worked hand in hand. Everyone was happy.     

 Not too long ago, the leader of the tribe had passed on. In the Zulu culture, the leader’s son would stand next in line to fill in for he’s father’s responsibilities. However, the leader did not have a son, instead, he had a daughter, Khanyisile.  

  Khanyisile was to be the first female leader. When she began to reign, the tribe starting to have better harvest, better structure and she wanted to educate the youth. The Zulu tribe began to barter with other tribes. Khanyisile brought good fortune to the tribe and everyone was happy. Well, not everyone, there is always an opposing party.   

  In her case, it was a group of males who found it difficult to take orders from a female. They felt that she was too soft. She would allow travellers passing by a bed and food without any payment. They opposed education to the children. They were not ready for change. Khanyisile was taking this tribe into a new era of civilization. The rest of the tribe loved her. The only downfall of this tribe was their superstitions.   

  The group of men plotted to kill her many times, but were not successful. She was always surrounded by people. The one evening, an old traveller was passing and decided to spend the night with the Zulu tribe. Khanyisile was hospitable, as she is to all her guests.      

  The old man overheard the men discussing how unsuccessful they were in trying to eliminate Khanyisile. He gives them an idea, to create misfortune among the tribe’s people and burn some of the crops. In doing so, they will become suspicious as to why things are going wrong. By being a very suspicious tribe, they could spread a rumour that Khanyisile is a witch. If they believe it, they will burn her, as they used to do many years ago.     

  The men were very excited and grateful to the traveller for his plan. They began to create a lot of misfortune amongst the people, by stealing valuables and placing it into innocent homes. This created a lot of tension. The rumour began to spread that Khanyisile is a witch and that due to her being a witch, misfortune has befallen the tribe.   

  The men decided to gather the tribe’s people, while Khanyisile and her guards were meeting with one of the other tribes. The people were very easily manipulated or in some case, intimidated. They prepare stake to burn her. On her arrival, her guards and a few loyal servants were immediately killed. They started throwing vegetation at her and cursing her. She pleaded her innocence.   

  The men encouraged the tribe’s people that all the misfortune was brought by Khanyisile and it is the men who will bring peace again. The men were so impressed by the traveller’s plan, they invited him to stay and offered him anything he wanted. The traveller had only one request, it was to see Khanyisile burn. The men could not understand his hatred for her. One of the men could not bear it and asked him what did she do to him. He replied, “I will tell you after she burns.”  

  Khanyisile was tied up and dowsed into flames. She did not fight or struggle. She stood still and looked at the tribe’s people. Some say, her soul had already left her body due to a broken heart, caused by the tribe that she loved so much. She was no more. Some rejoiced in ignorance and some felt remorse. A heaviness was felt in the dark cold air.   

  The traveller patted the men on their backs and said “Well done. She was creating too much peace. By the way, I did not introduce myself, my name is Lucifer.” Drought had then set in, diseases spread among the people and none of the other tribes wanted to trade or entertain any one from the Zulu tribe.   

  Those who were left in the Zulu tribe, suffered and missed Khanyisile. The very men who plotted on Khanyisile, lost loved ones, wealth and self-respect.  They realised that they had made a very big mistake.   

  The elders of the Zulu tribe believe that Khanyisile comes every year before the harvest and you can smell her beautiful fragrance passing through…   

  Don’t be gullible. Use life before it uses you. Understand that whatever goes around, comes around. Every action you take, there will be a reaction.  Suspicion is the death of a thinking mind.  

   “The earth is the mother of all people and all people should have equal rights upon it.” -Chief Joseph  

  Who is a man and who is a woman… Are we not one?    


great story liked reading it thanks you a great awriter

Wow! Great story. Thanks for sharing!

@mymoontao It's a pleasure.. thanks for commenting :)

You are welcome!

yes, legends always embody a truth...and so, with this one :)

@johnjgedded thank you for the comment.

Great story UV & Followed!

@breezin Thank you for the upvote :)


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