GDPR. Content

What is the content of(and what is not inside) the GDPR… well, let’s analyze. You can find the PDF here.
It has 99 articles 11 chapters distributed in 88 pages with 173 “Recitals” at the beginning of the document. The articles starts at page 32. It's a very boring document, but, it is encessary to understand it, or at least, find somebody to explain it. Here I am, trying to do this second part.
The regulation has the following chapters:
Chapter 1 is about General provisions (subject of the regulation, matter, definitions, scope, …)
Chapter 2 is about Principles (Conditions of consent, lawfulness of processing, child’s consent, special categories, criminal conviction’s processing data, …) This one is very important and has one part with BIG IMPACT, the consent.
Chapter 3 is about Rights of the data subject, rights like transparency, information and access to personal data, possibility to rectification and erasure, restrictions, individual and automatic decision-making.
Chapter 4 is about Controller and processor, their obligations, security of personal data, data protections impact assessment, DPO, codes of conduct and certification.
Chapter 5 is about international transfers to thirds countries or international organizations.
Chapter 6 is about Independent supervisory authorities, their status, competence, tasks and powers.
Chapter 7 is about Cooperation and consistency, information about the European Data Protection Board.
Chapter 8 is about Remedies, liability and penalties (fines). One of the main reason some companies are moving fast.. to avoid the fines. Highest fine will be 20.000.000€ or 4% of the total worldwide annual turnover of the
preceding financial year, whichever is higher.
Chapter 9 is about provisions relating to specific processing situations.
Chapter 10 is about delegated acts and implementing acts (boring)
Chapter 11 is about the final provisions of this regulation. (Not interesting)
The main Chapters, and the ones I’m going to continue explaining are the first 5 and the 8th. I’ll explain them in following posts.
Sorry, today I’m a bit busy!
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GDPR. History