#Gaugan IA Contest on Steemit | week 8 : The Dream House over the Rock 🏡

in #gaugan4 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the Gaugan IA Contest #8 on Steemit > counducted by @steemean ( Jimbo) a 6 years old boy with his father’s help.

I played more with this funny webapp and I've enjoyed leaving my imagination fly a bit...

My entry this week it's related to a dreamt house on a rock by the sea side...it would have some wild trees and free space to wander about but it would be not as easy to reach so it's quite far from the human interference. It's like a refuge where you could do your stuff without being disturbed. I would definetely pass long time over there if it would ever exist! :

Output result
gaugan_output (1).jpg

Input drawing
gaugan_input (3).png
If for any reason I'd win the contest I ask you to not give it to me but stake it for the next one so the reward is bigger.

Let's support young people on Steemit, they deserve our attention and love!

It couldn't be without music! 😁

Take part and give it a try, here you’ll find instructions on how to do it:


Love n’hugs to all ❤️



Bueno a partir de ahora en español también, ¿no? Jajajajaja.
Por cierto, ¡¿cómo haces esto tan chulo?!

Wow gracias por el apoyo @nelyp...no he citado el link de la app pero sí el del creador del concurso, Jimbo para promocionar un poco al chaval.
Uso http://nvidia-research-mingyuliu.com/gaugan/ , es un requisito del concurso.
Lleva un rato entenderlo pero es divertido. Quizá con el tiempo lo amplíen y se puedan hacer más cosas.

Muy bueno, te felicito. Saludos desde Argentina.

Hey gracias por tus amables palabras y apoyo @healthrecipes.
Quizá te animes a probarlo, es relativamente fácil y divertido.

This is so cool @drakernoise! The house on a rock is a perfect song accompaniment! I have just given this tool a try and I love it! I feel so artistic! :)

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