SEC-S20W3 | 2nd Half: Pasta.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

This is @rumanaafroz, from Bangladesh.

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Hello friends!
How are you? I hope you are well by the grace of God. Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I came to participate in the third step of the pasta course given by @nahela Mamer. Today I learned about a pasta recipe from Ma'am's course and accordingly I tried to make pasta at home. I don't know how successful I was, but I tried. I hope you like it.

¿Has preparato alguna vez pasta fresca en casa?¿Cómo fue tu experiencia? Cuéntanos.

No I have never made healthy fresh pasta at home before. I have always used store bought packet pasta. But it's great to be able to experience this today. I am really happy to be able to make fresh pasta at home and feed it to my baby and have a great time making pasta. And all the time my daughter was with me, she saw how and with what I made pasta and let her cook and eat it.

Nos gustaría prepares pasta fresca (quantidad para 1 persona), es importante explicar el proceso de elaboración y resultado (cruda).
¿Qué tipo de pasta elaboraste? Cuéntanos.

All the ingredients I used to make today's fresh pasta are:

  1. About 85 grams of flour
  2. 1 egg
  3. Bread making rollers and pindi
  4. A pinch of salt


First step

In the first step I took a quantity of flour and cracked an egg in the middle.


Second step

Now add salt between flour and egg.


The third step

Mix it together and knead it well for ten minutes. And put the kneaded flour yeast in a polybag and leave it to rest for more than half an hour.


Fourth step

In this step I took the dough out of the bag and rolled it into two loaves. I tried to thin it out a lot but since it's the first time I've done this I've probably gone wrong somewhere. Due to which I could not make the bread very thin. The inside of the hand was hurting so much that I thinned it out as much as I could.


The fifth step

In the fifth step I cut out the pasta shapes from the bread to my specified size of 1.50"×2" and pressed a little design on the sides of the pasta shape with a slotted spoon.

In the sixth step

This time I made a design by bringing two fingers together in the middle of the pasta. As @nahela Ma'am showed in her course. I tried giving a sep. After that I heated the water and waited for it to boil and when the water boiled I put the pasta in it. And I cooked until the pasta floated and after the pasta floated I took it down and drained it.

Seventh step

Then I couldn't eat the pasta with just the sauce as it was failing. Which is why I fried two green chillies and an onion in light oil and served it to my daughter with the pasta and noodles masala. My daughter was very happy with the food and explained to me how delicious it was.

Nos gustaría que use la pasta que elaboraste para crear 1 plato principal para 1 persona. Explícanos que salsa usaste o con que elementos complementaste la pasta para crear tu plato principal.Apoya tu explicación con fotos propias.

The amount of pasta I made with one egg was about as much as one person could eat. However, I didn't like the size of the pasta as it was a bit full but it was a meal for one person. But I shared my daughter and my husband's experience of making the first one together and shared it with each other. The first pasta was amazing. But I thought I would make fresh pasta like this again at home. And I think a man is a man if he makes no mistakes. Never learn a job so I will try to avoid the same mistake I made in today's class in the future.


¿With cuál entrada y con cuál postre combinaría el plato principal que abacas preparar? Imagina un menú de 3 tiempos que combine con tu pasta.

Don't prepare a whole menu, you just have to imagine it.

Starter: I'm imagining the deliciousness of a tomato, cucumber and coriander salad right now. It is great to have them on the side in the hot afternoon.

Dessert: As a dessert I am loving at the moment the delicious sweet dessert of watermelon, dragon fruit, milk and banana which is very fun and lovely.

(Device -OPPOA5s)

I would like to invite
@haidee, @vicent21,@blessedlife
to participate in this competition.

Thanks alot for reading .
Good luck to you.

Best regards
Rumana Afroz


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hi friend, thanks for the invitation, your pasta looks delicious, I have never prepared pasta made by myself but it is a good experience, I don't think you made any mistakes, very well done.

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