Your STANDARD OF LIVING is at RISK. Keep an eye on OIL and GASOLINE prices.

in #gasoline6 years ago

Nothing can wreck our economy like the energy markets. Particularly oil and gasoline. Prices are currently rising, and a complex combination of geopolitical and economic factors are NOW taking place.

The first factor to consider is that we are now past the era of cheap abundant oil. It costs more, in dollars and energy spent, to discover and extract new reserves. Why would people explore deep water reserves, why dig up half of Canada to extract "oil sands," why employ costlier, ecologically-damaging and faster-depleting sources by fracking?

You might be SHOCKED to read the new article, with associated video, by Steve St. Angelo, in the SRS Rocco Report, titled:

THE SHALE OIL PONZI SCHEME EXPLAINED: How Lousy Shale Economics Will Pull Down The U.S. Economy

Now combine the dilemma of the oil companies with America losing its grip on global oil purchases requiring use of the "PETRODOLLAR," to other options - specifically to the "PETROYUAN."

In case you don't know already, China has recently surpassed the United States as the Number 1 Oil Importer in the world.

Considering that China's population is about 1.4 BILLION people, and the US population is about 325 MILLION people (or about one-fourth that of China), its mind-boggling that China has only recently surpassed the United States in oil demand and use. And you can imagine what this means. Which is that many Chinese people have been living in poverty. And with the increased sentiment of wanting to move up to a higher standard of living, there will be a growing demand for better food, better housing and more vehicles on the road.

Now consider trade relations between the United States, European countries, China, Russia and Iran - things are starting to get "interesting."

The global economic system, as we know it today, has been built on debt and an ever-increasing reliance on future growth, which appears to be in a very precarious state of danger.

There are BUBBLES in real estate, bonds and all types of debt. Mortgage debt, credit card debt, auto loan debt, pension debt, energy bond debt, US national debt, etc.

If you Google the DOW STOCK CHART and view its entire history (the MAX view), you'll see, sometime after the mid-90s how the market hit a peak and crashed after 2000 (known as the dot-com crash). Then you'll see it exceed the past peak and hit a new one in 2008, after which we had another crash (known as the Economic Crisis of 2008). AND NOW, you can see how we have EXTREMELY surpassed the past peak, and near the end January of this year (2018), we hit a new ear-popping peak nearly DOUBLE the one in 2008.

By the way, what did "they" do to fix the economic problems we had in 2008? It seems that they've only "papered over" the problems - by bailing out banks, printing money and faking numbers... reporting statistics to make you think we've been in an economic recovery, since ... what's that year again? Oh yeah. 2008.

Another cancerous problem that's been growing is the monetary system, which is rotting. In two words: FIAT CURRENCY. That's a system in which dollars, and other global currencies, are printed out of thin air and not backed by anything of real value. In the past, gold and silver coins were used as money. And paper currency were gold and silver notes (or claim tickets for gold and silver in the equivalent values stated on the notes).

President Richard Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971, and that began a new era of money printing (and worse yet, imaginary currency digitized into existence). This has eroded the value of the US Dollar, which is why it costs so damn much for everything and why the value of all backed-by-nothing currencies are all bound for ZERO.

At this time in history, the complexity and risks are incredibly high. A number of experts have been warning that we will soon have to get used to "a lower standard of living."

While the price of oil and gas are predicted to go a lot higher, some experts believe that oil prices could crash (along with our economy and stock markets). Either way, we are in for some major global economic changes, and they are happening RIGHT NOW!


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