The Importance of Really Relaxing

in #gardenofeden6 years ago (edited)

Health is wealth, and we're sitting on a gold mine!

@quinneaker is far and away the healthiest person we know; he's only been sick one day in almost a decade and a half! For relativity's sake, how many doctors do you know who do not get sick?

Quinn shares his revolutionary views on health with one and all as part of an operating system we call the new paradigm. In this mindset, each individual is fully empowered and responsible for every aspect of existence. Wellness is a human birthright that anyone can access NOW.

There are basic upgrades that can be implemented immediately with unfailingly successful results. The body needs proper inputs for health, and improving these things you're already doing on a daily basis will have huge implications for your enjoyment of life. Breath, hydration, and rest are super important, as is acknowledging that you are worthy and capable of achieving full thrival. These factors are also completely free! 

The next master key to health is extremely valuable:


Worry and anxiety can potentially be far more damaging to the physical systems of the body than the food you eat, yet people spend much more time concerned with their diet than with whether or not they're allowing themselves proper relaxation. 

Modern man exists in highly stimulating conditions that constantly trigger a release of stressful chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline within the human organism. In caveman days, our ancestors were more frequently in real danger, and the stress response actually enabled them to fight to defend their lives or flee to safety. Modern triggers, like traffic or an angry boss, do not pose the same imminent threat, thus the body is primed by a stress response but has no real way to direct it. With a steady flow of them, these chemicals wreak havoc on the system! 

Stress is the number one killer or ager of the human species...It seems that each year people are more and more stressed...There are more mortgages, more depression medications, more alcohol, and more overweight people every year. -- Full Spectrum Health

Chronic stress is an extremely disruptive force. It can throw sleep, digestion, metabolism, the immune system, emotions, and blood pressure off balance and lead to weight gain. The vitality of the individual drops when systems are running at subpar levels. 

You can retrain yourself to respond consciously rather than react automatically to chronic triggers, and your daily existence will greatly improve! Overall health will increase as you allow yourself time and space to decompress.

Stress management is a skill to practice if you are not familiar with it. Here are some tips:

  • Take a deep breath. It is of ultimate importance, and it makes everything better!
  • Practice yoga. 
  • Enjoy vigorous exercise.
  • Meditate.
  • Walk in nature. 
  • Have sex with someone you love.
  • Swing on a swing.
  • Scream if you need to.
  • Have a cup of tea.

Health and wellness are accessible! You don't have to go anywhere and you don't have to pay anything to activate your most radiant self! We hope to inspire you to make conscious choices to improve your existence, because everything is better when you are healthy! 

Quinn shares his new paradigm perspective on health in his book Full Spectrum Health.

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For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox!

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I really enjoy this health series, it's a great reminder to take care of my body and being as best I can so I can live here as long as I want.

Great, we're happy to inspire!

I wish I had more time to relax. It seems I can ever really do so on holiday. And that's even making sure I make time for meditation and for yoga and surfing and walks on the beach. It's almost a job making time to relax haha

Posted using Partiko Android

It does seem that the majority of people have their priorities chosen that way too. They have so many obligations and responsibilities that they need to schedule in their relaxation time, and it is generally relaxation that gets deleted when other things come up. Imagine if our lives were first built on well-being, and then everything else revolved around that! It's amazing to have the opportunity to live it at the @gardenofeden, knowing it is possible, and reaping the rewards of it.

I hope you find your flow of wellness. Thanks for the comment @riverflows.

I definitely have made changes in my life so that well-being is a priority. It is a shame that our culture does not rewarded all support it and that production trumps all other things.

Posted using Partiko Android

We hope our example will inspire many more people to know that a life of well-being is not only accessible, but also enjoyable and FREE!

Absolutely and you were doing a great job. Love your posts and what you do absolutely anywhere junior great job . Love your house and what you do . I'm sure you have seen the natural medicine account here on this platform. There are a lot of great people who are very supportive of this kind of thing and that sharing and promoting and celebrating both natural healing and natural preventative Medicine .

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry I mean Post not house haha. I am using the Dictaphone and it's sometimes does strange things including weird capitals.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good post @gardenofeden

I agree, what makes stress on humans is not food but what is experienced in everyday life.

Honestly, I was once depressed, taking medication and under psychiatric supervision, but now I feel better than before after I followed the advice and rules of a doctor and psychiatrist

thank you for sharing this interesting post.

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