Okra Seeds in the GOE Seed Bank

in #gardenofeden6 years ago

We want to share the bounties of our land with you! 

We grow hundreds of medicinal and edible plants at the Garden of Eden. They are accessible, cheap, and/or free options for your own wellness, without the MANY dangers pharmaceuticals impose. Every aspect of life is better when you feel healthy and happy, and we seek to reconnect you to your roots and remind you of these options for your health. 

Allow us to share the blessings of nature and introduce you to one of the marvelous new plants we have added to our GOE Seed Bank:

OKRA is a delicious and nutritious vegetable low in calories with lots of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and vitamins A, C and some Bs. It is known to enhance digestive health and manage blood sugar. 

Okra grows on tall stalks that form hibiscus-like flowers that evolve into okra pods.

Sow the seeds in a sunny spot 1 inch deep in the ground, spacing them about a foot apart, one week to 10 days after the last frost in your region. Seeds can be germinated by soaking, or started into seedlings if you prefer. Soil can be near neutral; enrich it with compost before planting for best results. Okra will thrive in hot weather!

For the most delicious and tender okra, harvest the pods when they are less than 3 inches long; bigger pods will be tough and woody. Okra is a very prolific plant that does best when picked every other day if not more often.

We're thrilled to share the wealth from our seed bank! Our OKRA SEEDS are offered for barter or trade in crypto right here on the STEEM blockchain or for USD on our website.

Seeds have real value, which is our favorite thing to share! Given the proper conditions, seeds will grow into plants that can provide food, clothing, shelter, and even medicine. And they multiply so easily that you can provide for yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your community! Our plants are foundational for the tens of thousands of free meals we give away each year and the options for natural healing we offer.

Cheers to your health and happiness! 

Chat with us!


Because we stand in support of the greatest good & especially the revolutionary potential of this platform, we've never cashed out any $teem or even powered down - which is good for everyone! This means that when you upvote our posts, you are increasing the value of your own $teem wealth as well! 


For more inspiration, support, and service, please sign up for our newsletter! Once a week, we will deliver sustainable health & wellness insight and so much more straight to your inbox!


We have had numerous requests asking how people can be of service to help @quinneaker and our community @gardenofeden, and we are extremely grateful for that support!! Here's what you can do to help:

  1. Please send good vibes to @quinneaker for a speedy, easy healing!
  2. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in fiat using the Donate button at the top of our homepage: www.intothegardenofeden.com
  3. Donate to Quinn's Freedom Fund in crypto through a free and instantaneous transfer here on the Steem blockchain, or send

    BTC 1MkEBgUSSd41jGzeAHP4HPhoFRLeb2UU4H

    LTC  Levh2ph11Bmsi3aPw3dB6jazvpGfMwKceW

    EOS or ETH  0x8F7bd2F6Cc132c62C3E9D7CC7f9aaB2c0ED84491
  4. We need a civil prosecutor AND a criminal defense lawyer! If you are an honorable lawyer or have a great recommendation for one, please contact us. 


For now, instead of giving away all of our resources towards helping others and providing free food, clothing, and shelter to anyone as we have for the past decade, we are now redirecting everything we have towards keeping Quinn out of jail.


A better world IS possible~*~


Such a reliable and abundant crop

Indeed, super prolific, nutritious, and delicious, and very easy to grow 🌱

Oh great it's amazing to know that they have their own medicinal use plants and that way they don't have to rely on pharmacies or medicines made with high substances something harmful to the body

We prefer to let food be our medicine and know how to use plants to enhance health. This is one of the things we are most passionate about sharing! There are so many options for protecting or restoring full health, many of them as simple as pulling "weeds" out of the yard.

My favorite vegetable OKRA, i like it much and usual used twice in a week in my food, its dish is very delicious and tasty. thanks @gardenofeden for sharing.

Awesome, it's one of our favorite foods too! We like to make it in lots of ways: raw, fried, stewed with tomatoes and veggies, or pickled. How do you make it @rabeel?

Fried OKRA i like most

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