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RE: Garden September Update - SteemIt Community Garden Journal Challenge 5 -Part 2

in #gardenjournal20186 years ago

Yes we got an early fall here - summer was way to short but I just got a new grow light set up so I can continue growing on into the winter. Our place is right by the Prince Albert National Park. You would be most welcome to come for a visit but make sure it is in our summer time for we get 30 degrees below Celsius in the winter. We had a friend from Israel come and visit in the winter and when she had to leave it was 30 below. We had to drive her to the airport and she was freaked right out that we went out in such weather. (we did bundle her up real good but she was still freaked out.)


30 below!! Wow!!! That would be intense. I bet it's cosy at yours...

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We stick pretty close to the fires at that temperature. Nice and cozy inside and I have my new grow lights set up so I can garden all year long.

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