Sunflowers=Spring Sunshine!
Sending a bit of sunshine your way, all you Northerners! I remember the feeling of eagerly anticipating the first green shoots, the chipper robin announcing the start of the the new season, and the rains followed by lush verdure!
The scallions kept on going pretty much all through our mild winter and have pretty pom-poms now that wave in the wind.
I love how Nature inspires such happy feelings and moments of reflection. Truly, it is the Creator speaking through His creation... The sunflowers have a way of reminding me to look toward the "sun" and strive to be firmly rooted in Christ the Son. The winds of life have a tendency to try to sway me now and again, but I know that after the storms and crazy winds, it only leaves me more firmly rooted. So it is in life both physically and spiritually; trials and adversities if used properly can help to build depth and strength. Every time I look at a sunflower I'm reminded of these thoughts and the need to keep my eyes focused on the Son of God for strength to grow and guidance. It's so neat how the sunflowers will literally turn towards the sun! God knew what He was doing... I have not doubt about that :-)
The cilantro has already started going to seed after it flowered; just waiting for them to dry out a bit and then I'll keep the seeds to re-plant...I wonder what parallels come to your mind when gazing at nature? I'd love to hear about it :-)
Sophie always adds a bit of sunny canine cheer to the mix too!
Very Pretty shots! And I like the spiritual side of it too. Nature teaches us lots of God. Reminds me of these verses.
Job 12:7-10 (ERV)
From the philosophical point, I like how these flowers need to keep their face towards the sun for energy/life. Likewise, we need to keep our eyes and mind on Christ!
I feel like I'm reading that part in Job for the first time; thank you for bringing that to my attention; I love it! "Speak to the earth and it will teach you...everyone knows that the Lord made these things." So nice :-D
Thank you!
You're welcome, and thank YOU :-)