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RE: Garden Update - Sugar Snap Peas

I get what you mean. The best part for me is also the consumption of said food. I'm not as big on the preparing and such. I do like picking it though as it's normally not difficult and normally not a long process. So I can wander out there and grab something that in a little while will have magically transformed into a meal or snack. Or I just eat it. Ha ha!

I eat the peas immediately after picking them. I was going to say "right off the vines" but I don't do that. I'm going to have to try it though. I'll have my wife watch so I can make her think something is even more wrong with my brain. ;)

I have trouble telling the difference between lettuce and some of the local weeds while the lettuce is little. Once it starts growing then I know what's what and I can pick the weeds out of there.

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