Urban Gardening and Permaculture - My progress

in #gardening7 years ago

(My beautiful small dill plant)

Hi Steemies!

Growing up I was always outside playing in our garden or on the farm next door. We have a pretty big garden where nature is mostly taking over and doing its thing.
But we also always had our made up garden with a vegetable garden and a greenhouse as well. I learned a thing or two from my parents just by watching them and being able to plant and sow vegetables as a child.

When I moved out I moved to the city. That's what I wanted back then and when I was younger I didn't care much about growing my own food. I guess it's common when you are younger and are trying to find your way in life.

A few years ago I became interested again in gardening - specifically growing my own vegetables. Since I don't have a garden right now the only way to satisfy the urge to be somewhat self-reliant is to grow a few things on our balcony.
I started out with tomatoes and herbs two years ago. This year I was a bit late to the sowing-game but I am successfully growing green bush beans, salads, herbs and radishes (kind of).

Special thanks to @germanlifestyle who suggested that I should post some of my beauties.

Here are a few - not so professional - pictures of my babies :-)

(Sprouting Green Beans)

(Toddler Green Beans)

(Green Beans growing up)

(My babies all grown up)

(Grown Up and blooming)

Als ich klein war habe ich immer in unserem Garten oder auf dem Bauernhof nebenan gespielt. Wir haben einen sehr großen Garten, in dem die Natur zu einem großen Teil macht was sie will.
Wir haben aber auch schon immer einen richtigen Garten mit Gemüsebeet und Gewächshaus gehabt. Also habe ich schon früh von meinen Eltern gelernt wie man Gemüsepflanzen sät und einplanzt.

Ich bin dann in die Stadt gezogen und hatte in dem Alter auch wenig Interesse am Gärtnern. Vor ein paar Jahren ist allerdings wieder die Lust in mir aufgekommen eigenes Gemüse zu ernten. Mit allem Drum und Dran. Am liebsten gleich mit Hühnern 🐣😄
Da ich momentan keinen Garten habe, kann ich bei mir nur auf dem Balkon anpflanzen.
Vor zwei Jahren habe ich mit Tomaten und Kräutern angefangen. Dieses Jahr war ich etwas spät dran, aber grüne Buschbohnen, Salat, Kräuter und halbe Radieschen sind es dann doch noch geworden.

Danke an @germanlifestyle für den Vorschlag einen Post über mein Gärtnern zu verfassen!

(Once there was a baby radish, then there was a pigeon and no more baby radish 😩)

Are you into gardening or permaculture? What is growing in your garden?



Wonderful, you can have a lot of plants on a balcony:-) I have also Zucchini, pepper, salad and some herbs among all flower in my small garden. Love to see things grow. Upvoted and follow.

My garden is my balcony too. Got different herbs right now - sage, basil, rosemary, mint.
We had tomatoes before. And potatoes.
Trying different sorts of palnts each year.

Hi! How wonderful, another balcony gardener ;-) I am experimening as well. Since I can't have everything at once I have to change it out every year.

It is fun experimenting and it is such a joy to see the result at the end. I am looking forward to seeing more of your plants.
Oh, and the birds also attack my plants. :-)

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