Identify All and Win - The Results

A Contest of Sorts

Last week, I asked you all to identify the fruit I was showing you on the picture above and also individually.

Thank you to all of you who participated!

We had @fionasfavourites, @nateonsteemit, @wonderwop, and @ketcom give it a go.
Let me tell you what we have here.

Strawberry Guava

In California, we are calling this fruit Strawberry Guava, it seems that in South Africa, it is called cherry Guava which makes sense since it looks like a cherry.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about this fruit:

Psidium cattleyanum, commonly known as Cattley guava, strawberry guava or cherry guava, is a small tree in the Myrtaceae family. The species is named in honour of English horticulturist William Cattley. Its genus name Psidium comes from the Latin psidion, or "armlet." Wikipedia


I have 2 dwarf Kumquat trees in my yard and they are delicious. They are a citrus fruilt. What most people don't know is that you have to eat the peel with the fruit. The peel is actually sweeter than the flesh.

I eat them right off the tree, but many like to make marmalade with them. Another way to make this fruit shine is to have a large glass dispenser, cut the Kumquats in half or slices, and fill the container with drinking water. The flavor of the water is fantastic, and the display is beautiful.


Kumquats (or cumquats in Australian English, /ˈkʌmkwɒt/; Citrus japonica) are a group of small fruit-bearing trees in the flowering plant family Rutaceae. They were previously classified as forming the now historical genus Fortunella, or placed within Citrus sensu lato.


I have one loquat tree in my yard that hasn't produced any fruit yet. The house I raised my kids in had a huge loquat tree in the front yard. Besides being the ideal tree for a tree house, it also had the most delicious fruit.

We had many people from the neighborhood come by to get some of the fruit. The interesting thing is that our Asian neighbors came when the fruit was still green. They liked to eat it that way with hot sauce. The Mexican and Arab neighbors preferred it ripe and sweet - and so did we.

I made tons of jam from the fruit and we ate lots and lots right off the tree.

I always wanted to go by and get some scion wood to graft on a seedling. Now, it is too late. the new owners cut the tree to the ground.

Here is what Wikipedia has to say:

The loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) (from Cantonese Chinese: 盧橘; Jyutping: lou4gwat1, nowadays called Chinese: 枇杷; pinyin: pípá; Jyutping: pei paa) is a species of flowering plant in the family Rosaceae, a native to the cooler hill regions of China to south-central China.


These are the first Mulberries of the season. I have 3 trees. 2 produce black fruit and 1 white. This tree that is giving me many pounds of fruit, grew from a tiny stick I picked up at a rare Fruit growers meeting. They are so good!! Just made a crumble with mulberries and the strawberry guavas and it was delicious!!

Of course, we ate it with whipping cream - how can it not be out of this world good?


Morus, a genus of flowering plants in the family Moraceae, comprises 10–16 species of deciduous trees commonly known as mulberries, growing wild and under cultivation in many temperate world regions.

Mulberries also have quite a few health benefits. You can read about it here


My friend is growing this fruit in her yard and she uses it a lot with her cooking. I love to eat it and have used it in salad dressings and dips. But I mostly like it when she fixes food and it is part of the meal 😂


Calamondin, also known as calamansi, is an economically-important citrus hybrid predominantly cultivated in the Philippines. It is native to the Philippines and surrounding areas in southern China, Taiwan, Borneo, and Sulawesi. Calamondin is ubiquitous in traditional Filipino cuisine. Wikipedia
Scientific name: × Citrofortunella microcarpa
Family: Rutaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Higher classification: Citrofortunella

Limes - but Lemons is also a good Answer

In the US, Limes are usually sold when they are green. Which is a bit silly because they aren't ripe at that point. When ripe, they are yellow just like a lemon and it can be hard to see the difference until one cuts them open.

The reason people here buy them green is that someone invented a drink with a lime and the green looked prettier than the yellow of a ripe one. The drink became popular and pretty soon, everyone thought that a lime should be green...

I think you all know about limes and lemons.


Only one of you got all fruit right.

Congratulations @ketcom

But I am so happy that you all tried. That is why I decided that all of you get an SBI @fionasfavourites, @nateonsteemit, @wonderwop, and @ketcom gets 2.

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Thank you for playing!!

I hope you all will participate in the Garden Corner!

This weeks post is here


Thanks a lot for the SBI and the contest, here in Nigeria we see more of the yellow line which made it easy to recognize. Good work you're doing and we hope for more strength to continue.

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Thank you!! I will do my best to keep this going. Gardening, permaculture, and sustainable living brought me to Steem. Need to get back to my roots LOL

I'll do my best to also post stuff portray sustainable living. Before coming to Steem I didn't know such thing had a name. I just liked eating natural and with the economic situation I felt producing my own was a more sustainable way to live.

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Ah, loquats! It's been years since I ate one. We had a couple of trees and my mother used to make jam with it, too. There are a couple of trees in the village....

I have never heard of the Calamondin - one learns new things every day. Also, we are more familiar with green limes here. Hopefully my baby tree will bear in the next year or so.

Thank you so much for the SBI - much appreciated.

You are very welcome. Calamondin are very popular in the Philipines but I don't think too much anywhere else.

Hope you will participate in the Garden Corner. Doesn't have to be anything big, just to have a conversation and a fun place to share garden stuff. I will give away SBI :)

Nice arrangement! Of course i see my favorite tree berry (Mulberry), yummy loquats, sweet skinned and tart fleshed calamansa citrus - somewhat like the kumquat, fragrant strawberry guava, and is that a meyer lemon?
Pic got smaller on the reply!
Lol! Did i win a cup of mulberry cobbler?

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Thank you for the SBI unit @sustainablelivin you're awesome! 💕

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You are welcome. Hope that you come back for the garden corner as well. 😄

This is interesting. I have learnt something. I only know mulberry :) because it's my first time seeing all those fruits :)

Glad that you learned something new! There are so many wonderful fruit and vegetable in the world - always something new to see.

Thank you :) yes indeed

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