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RE: ❀ Welcome To The Walkerland Kitchen Garden ❀

in #gardening6 years ago

I must admit I’m a bit speechless after reading your post.
You’ve got so much going on... Amazing.

I fell completely in love with the arbour you have. I’d love to have one of those, but I simply don’t have the space for it. (I’ve already taken up so much space in the garden to plant all my veggies...)

Those little seedlings ate so cute! I can’t wait to see how everything will look in a month from now. It will be so beautiful.

I completely agree with what you say about putting different kinds of plants together. That’s how nature works.
In my garden, I try to work according to the companion planting strategy, and last year it worked out pretty good.

Thanks for the update. I really enjoyed it.


Thanks so much @simplymike, your positive feedback is truly appreciated. It really made my day!

My ramshackle "sticks and twigs" arbour took about half an hour to piece together and cost nothing to make. It's survived two winters and seems to be holding together. It isn't very pretty when there is nothing growing on it but as soon as those grape vines leaf out I think it looks pretty cool! Maybe you'll find a good reason to have one - vertical gardening is so much fun.

This garden is a central part of our self reliant/ homesteading lifestyle. I spend a lot of time thinking about and working with food in one way or another. I suppose in a way it is my job. Growing food is a big part of why I can afford to work/live from the homestead without having to go back out into the busy work world ... and I'd rather eat beans for a month that do that! :) If I did work full time like I used to I could not manage all of this. It's such a fine balance and I feel really fortunate to be doing this.

I agree, companion planting is so important and I try to follow the rules as well!

I haven't seen a garden update from you recently. I hope you'll be sharing one soon. Thanks again for inspiring people to share their gardens, I really enjoy reading those posts and always seem to pick up new ideas and inspiration!

Great to hear they are a source of inspiration to you.

I fell in love with gardening long ago, but it wasn’t until three years ago - when I moved out of the city to a house with a big front-and backyard that I got the chance to really start doing it.

It has become a real passion, and I’ve learned so many things during these last years. If it would be an option, I wouldn’t have to think twice to get more experience and do it full-time for the rest of my life.
Of course, my own back- and front yard aren’t big enough for that, but we have this amazing alternative, ecologic farm just around the corner. They are specialized in veggies, fruits and herbs that are uncommon here in Belgium. If it would be possible, I’d never go back to my old teaching job again (although I loved teaching) and go there to learn more and do what I love most.

Unfortunately, my bad back crushed that dream. :0(

I’m going to try to write my own gardening post tomorrow. It’s a bit of a painful experience, because since I’m still recovering from my second surgery this year, I’m not able to do a single thing myself in the garden. My girlfriend knows how important it is to me, so she’s doing everything (although she’s not very enthusiatic about gardening). All I can do is watch, and that’s pretty frustrating, to be honest.

But even then; seeing seeds turn into seedlings, into full grown plants that provides us with so many delicious fruits and veggies is one of the best felings in the world :0)

I'm really sorry to hear about your back problems. I know how frustrating injuries like that can be and I have a great deal of empathy for you. I hope the surgery was successful and that you recover soon.

It sounds like you have a very loving girlfriend, its pretty wonderful that she is tending the garden even though it is not something she likes doing. I think it is a beautiful thing when someone demonstrates their love that way :)

Enjoy the garden bounty. All your years of hard work made it possible and that is something to be celebrated!

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