A Visit To A Hilltop Greenhouse: The Little Village Garden

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)


I was on the hunt for some Supertunia Vista in a fuchsia colour.

This is a Petunia hybrid which is considered to be an annual in the planting zone (of the geographical region) where I live.

This means that these petunias will survive until the first hard frost in the Fall.

This translates to late September through to early October (if we go by the calendar). Or, the first time our outside temperatures dips below -1 degree Celsius.

After that, petunias die. Which means that we need to honour their beauty now.

In my area the best petunias come from a greenhouse, perched high up on top of a massive hill.

The view is second to none of the surrounding countryside. This land undulates with massive drumlins caused from glacial activity.

The results: beautiful rolling hills as far as your eyes can see.


See What I See.


Lots of open, lush green space and blue sky.

What a view from the door of the greenhouse!

For more information about The Little Village Garden Centre, you can visit:


With my purchase made, now comes the challenge of loading my tiny car.

(Just so I am clear, I purchased 2 already planted hanging baskets which I have no intentions of ever hanging up.)


TWO plants which will never be hung-up.


Yeah, in my world, it’s now a game. Just what and how much can I load into my tiny car?


I don’t really need to see my shifter, do I?

We all need personal challenges every once in awhile. ;)

Once I got them home, I installed the 2 plantings.

These will provide consistent colour throughout the next 5 months.

This is provided that I can keep the plants dead-headed (of their spent flowers) watered and fed properly. No kidding, 2 plantings this size is a job to maintain properly but I am not afraid.


One for the front entrance.

The fuchsia colour complements the mandarin orange paint on our vintage early 1960s front door.


Sometimes you just have to live in full colour.


I placed the other planting in the middle of a perennial garden. The plants surrounding the petunias will all take a turn providing us with more flowers in different colours as the Summer season progresses.

I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...most days my glasses are rose coloured and most days I prefer to live vividly. ;)


~ Rebecca


Your perennial garden is glorious!!!

Doesn't look like you had too much room in your car on the drive home- lol

Thank you very much @goldendawne! It’s the 3rd summer season for this particular perennial garden so it’s just coming into its own.

Turning left was easier than turning right so I planned my route home very carefully. Lol!

beautiful flowers with vibrant color life ,,, this is beautiful mam @rebeccaryan

Thank you very much @rahmads!

You re welcome

Love the color and the door is so awesome. Where you find a door like that?

Sorry that I missed this comment @bigblueleadsled! @knarly327 and I bought this property 3 years ago and have been restoring it. The house was originally built in 62 and the doors (front and side) are original to the house. We chose to paint the front door, mandarin orange and once we get to the interior renovations will be decorating in steampunk, modern, industrial. It will be a fun project once we can get to it...

Oh oh.
Very pretty. I can see that I am not the only one that gets to see pretty flowers all the time.
Placing them around on your property makes it so easy to see.
I have to walk miles and miles to see them. Ha
We do have a few here. New ones is what gets our eyes though.
I like walking anyway. I must have walked 5 or 6 miles at least today.
Thank you


Evergreen blooms in flowers. This good is flower. Which looks beautiful in the car.

I love your front door, I've never seen one quite like it before! I thought you done well packing those colossal mushrooms in your car but you just keep surprising us with your mac-daddy packing skillz!

Hahaha! I’ve got some crazy packing skills @bluelightbandit!

Your garden looks great and healthy

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