Flowering tomatoes and a garden friend!

in #gardening7 years ago

It is spring time and the weather is wonderful! The tomato plants are loving it! They are flowering, now which means tomatoes! Every year I put a few cherry tomato seedlings in and enjoy them in my salads! Thats if the kids don't get at them first! They will pick them and eat them strait of the tree! I don't complain about it! At least it isn't a bag of lollies!


Here is a little fact about tomato plants you may not know. The fine white hairs on the stems are potential roots! If you bend a branch and bury part of it, it will take root!


I grow in pots here. There is one garden bed that gets enough sun to grow tomatoes in, but I usually only put one there and save the space for chills etc. The rest go into pots in the only other place the giant gum trees doesn't block out the sun.


This is the only decent garden bed at my place. I usually grow one tomato here and reserve the space for chillis and capsicums to go in, either that or a couple of pumpkin vines, although, I've never really had much luck growing pumpkins for some reason.



This little fella is a hover fly. They move fast! Then stop on a dime and hover. They are great for the garden as their favourite food is aphids! I have heard they eat caterpillars to, I don't know about that though. My whole broccoli crop was decimated by caterpillars last year and there were hover flies about then.



Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I hope you enjoyed it!



Your plants look happy

They are loving life at the moment.

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