Outdoor Day 7'ish Flower

in #gardening6 years ago


This is a brief update on one of our outdoor plants. We are on day 7 since we saw our first pistil formation.

This pic is taken from one of the lower stems, I cannot reach the top without a ladder. It's over 7' tall now, and it was topped once at 5'.

This plant has been mulched well with grass clippings and leaves for fertilizer and moisture retention. It receives compost tea frequently and isn't fed any chemicals.

It had gotten so wide that I had to clear back some of the blackberry bushes around it. When it gets windy, the plant can get knocked into the blackberry bushed which can rip the leaves. I also cut down some nearby trees so that it could get a bit more direct sunlight.

We are looking forward to a good harvest this year, I've never been so excited about growing anything in my life. The reality of medical cannabis in our state is still sinking in, and we're proud to be apart of this movement. I hope all my friends that have been using alcohol or pills to deal with their issues can give cannabis a try. It's all natural, unprocessed, and easy to grow at home. No more going to the pharmacy for us!

Rakkasan.jpgvet tag.png




Wow. Can't believe the news I hear. You are a weak liar and spineless snowflake with a wiener that can't actually protrude. For you and the community to flag war a pro veteran community and as well a project that is being lead by disabled Veterans?

Let alone personal attacks upon a disabled veteran.

That's low. Shame on you and this is being recorded. Why you would allow your honor to slip so low is something you can spend the rest of your life apologizing for.

Here by.... We cannot support any movement with you as a member.

We will not vote you. And will ensure you are on mute.

This is disgusting. And someone acting like that deserves to be muted.

I'd expect this from a antifa member. But from you? I'd definitely expect so much more.

Good bye and I'll never support or vote someone that attacks veterans. Or their lawful service or disabilities.

You sir have made a grave mistake.

@justinashby has done a lot for our community. Just curious why the hate on him ?

I'm the leader of the Military Veterans of Steemit. I can tell you, as an actual combat veteran that spent 7 years serving my country, that none of these people @ganjafarmer or @justinashby have tried to bring onto our community are actual veterans. It's actually a pretty serious offense here in the United States. We call it Stolen Valor and it carries prison time.

@ganjafarmer has tried to scam us in the past with by asking for money for one of these fake veterans. I think @justinashby realizes he was wrong, and that's why I'm leaving him alone. @ganjafarmer, however, is promoting a scam by claiming that he supports them, when all he's done is try to pull one over on us with his fake veteran bot farm.

If any of their "friends" can provide proof of their veteran's benefits or a DD214, I'd love to see it.


Here is what an actual United States Veteran's supporting documentation should look like. Thanks for the downvote, pal.


VA benefits.png

Now... I have never tried weed in my life, but I’m happy you’re excited to grow something. Come harvest time, I’ll be looking forward to you sharing all the special brownies you bake!

I fell you, it’s hard to believe it’s legal recreational here, I still find myself being secret about it at times. Like gifting a co worker with plants, which it’s no different then gifting a bottle of wine!

Great post. they say that the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.

it is very beautiful garden

I don't know what all this drama is about, but the Staff Sergeant don't like it. I do not get overly upset with folks that participate in Stolen Valor. Does not bother me at all. If one must lie about serving in the military or being some kind of hero, well... whatever makes them feel better. I mean shit President Trump fancies himself a hero... sorry almost threw up in my mouth.

One of the most humble Veterans I have ever interacted with on the platform is @themarkymark. He actually thought he did not rate to be a member of the Veterans community as he was never sent to combat.

I have worn both Marine Corps Blues and Army Khakis. I can talk to anyone claiming to have served in the military, regardless of what branch or for what Nation. Within ten minutes, I will tell you whether they are full of shit or not. I do not know all the particulars behind all this drama, but I will tell you this...

Either one supports the human beings on this platform that have served their Nations and shows their appreciation or they do not. Male or female; Black, white, brown; left leaning politically, or right leaning politically or somewhere in the middle like me; Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Jewish, Moslem, Sikh, or Atheist. None of that shit matters. We are a family, us Veterans. We all have one thing in common. We made ourselves available to our Nations regardless of where or how we served. The majority of us volunteered when most of the populace would not. I do not need to like you to respect you for serving in uniform.

Posers with be found out. Try to scam our Vets? Not good for you, whoever you may be. We are a compassionate and forgiving bunch, but we never forget.


If you support a bully please let the evidence speak for itself. Not a flag back...

Spark up conversation with us on Discord


Donations of SBD/SP/STEEM are gladly accepted and will be used to grow the SP of @kind.network to provide better rewards for the cannabis community on the STEEM blockchain


Thank you





Get out there and show these STEEMians some love!!

Attacking a project that is pro veteran and being lead by several disabled Veterans? Thats low... Shame on you.

@cheetah thank you for your knowledge and understanding. As well as support!

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