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RE: Journal – Photos and thoughts on gratitude

in #gardening6 years ago

That is an amazing piece of art, a very modern take on the totem pole. I love to see art evolve. A story is told in its progression. Let me try ... the salmon returns to home to spawn, provides the scaffolding for the earth and retires to become one with the sky. How did I do ...

Loved your garden pics and very glad you are feeling better. I find when the lows hit, it is good to get outside and interact with the intention of lifting the spirits of others. Your spirit will lift by default:):):)

Sending you light and love, Lightsplasher:)


Very good advice and wonderful interpretation of the modern totem pole. The salmon gives life to the eagle. Kind of freely after the eggs have been laid and it is time to go. (I've often thought it would be nice to have a Tibetan sky-burial when it is my time to go - becoming condor food down in CA maybe.)

Best wishes, sending you light and love too. :)

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