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RE: Almost Time to Harvest! {More Progress in the Backyard Garden}

in #gardening5 years ago

Oh it's so lovely to see your garden starting to produce! We are way far behind you but I did get some spinach which I actually planted last fall so we've had a few feeds of that and lots of pesto that we use on our zoodles (zucchinis made into noodles).
Have you ever tried a lettuce pear mint smoothie? You can use a lot of mint in that and also your lettuce. I thought about making it and freezing it when the pear season was on.
Also did you know that putting mint on your potatoes when you store them is suppose to help to prevent them from sprouting so quick.
I've got to get my camera out and snap some more garden picks to get my update in.
Thanks for sharing your garden and enjoy all your harvest goodies!


I love mint in my smoothies! Though I don't know if I have used it with pear before. Sounds delicious! Makes me think I should do some mint pesto, too, since you mention that with your zoodles. That's a great tip about the potatoes! I had never heard that one before. :)

Looking forward to seeing where your garden is! It's fun to have this community to share with.

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