Gardening for Food Security - Indoor Gardening - New Project Beginning

in #gardening6 years ago

basket of fresh vegetables for salad making.jpg
With my outdoor gardens mostly developed, I'm starting to taking a new direction in my gardening, which I mostly do for food security.

I'm now looking to start growing some of my food indoors. We have a short growing season outdoors here in Zone 3 Canada and there has been a lot of extreme weather happening not to mention natural catastrophes that could shorten the outdoor growing season even more.
JJ in sunroom.jpg

I'm looking to have a productive, cost effective garden in a controlled environment.

We are fortunate to have a sun room but it has tinted windows and in the winter the sun doesn't come over the trees so we will have to have supplemental light. I wanted grow lights in any case so as not to be reliant on the sun.
seedings under lights.jpg

We heat with wood in the winter and have an inline fan to take the extra heat which rises to the top of our cathedral roof and pipes it into the sun room. This is thermostatically controlled.

Our first steps will be to research the lights, then decide what we will want to eat that we can grow indoors. We will be selecting plants varieties that are productive and suitable varieties for growing in containers.

Stay tuned for I'll be sharing what we have researched plus sharing our continuing journey for food security in an ever changing world!

Let me know in the comments below if you do any indoor growing or have plans to do so. I'd love to hear what you are up to!


I started my garden a few years ago and I only grow inside until they are ready to plant outside. Don't have enough light to grow them inside. But this what you are doing looks interesting. Reading your posts I feel you have a lot of knowledge to share and I'm interested to see your work... Keep it up, see you around...

I start my seedlings inside to get a jump on the growing season but with our short growing season, I'm looking to expand it by growing indoors - it will be a major project with a lot of research but what ever I can do to increase our food security I'm willing to put in the effort and like to share what I have found so others can benefit too. Keep on checking in for I'll continue to share my journey...

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