Poor Garlic Harvest this year. Jan 2018

in #gardening7 years ago

Fellow Kiwi's, how did you all do with your Garlic harvests this year?

We had to transplant our bulbs halfway through their growing season which didn't help. But still, our new neighbours reported a very poor harvest as well as friends who live a few hundred kilometres away.

The plants seem to have been badly affected by rust this year.





I had to pull mine all out about 3weeks ago due to rust. Was a very sad day. Last year my harvest was awesome.

Yep. Last year we harvested enough to last us about 9 months before we had to shop buy Garlic. It must just be the weather this season. We had quite a wet spring and I think excessive moisture is one of the major causes of rust. :( Still, we will keep a clove from every bulb to plant again next year.

It’s cool that you plant your own veggies. Might try it too. Hopefully, they’ll grow. lol

Thanks. You should give it a go. Even if it is just small scale. Herbs and salads are really easy to grow. Garlic is also pretty easy. Put it in the ground and ignore it for 6 months. lol.

Hopefully next year is better.

Look at applying some healthy compost to the affected soil to improve soil life!

Garlic is a key part to a #healthy-home.

Couldn't agree more. Garlic cooked or raw every day in our house. We eat the tops too in salads. Once the new compost heap has rotted down over winter we will be sure to apply it as we plan our next years crop.

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