in #gardening6 years ago

This is an experiment that I wanted to do for a while.

Hugelkulture is a way of using wood to build soil. Basically, rather than burning logs, branches, and twigs, they are mounded up with other organic material into a mound and then you plant crops in it. Over time, the mound breaks down and turns into soil.

Since I've got plenty of wood material that I'd rather not just torch to get rid of, I figured a couple hugel mounds would be a great idea. The mounds not only help build soil, but they retain moisture and also produce heat as they break down, so they basically create a small microclimate in the garden. Again, this is just an experiment, and I've taken no permaculture design courses or the likes, I'm just learning and experimenting.

I saved a large raised bed specifically for this project. I used a number of relatively new branches, some rotting logs, fallen leaves, and soiled straw from our poultry house. I've got a few layers to go, but I'm off to a great start! Here are some photos.


What do you think? Have you ever built a hugel mound? Have you heard of them before? Would you want to build one in your garden, or on your property? Stay tuned and I'll show you the finished project, since I've still got more to add.

Until next time…


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Hello my friend! :D
This is the first I've heard of it myself, I'll have to ask my handsome husband if he's ever heard of it and see if he'd like to build one of our own, it looks like a neat experiment. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

It'll put off some heat too, so it should nicely way up north! Thanks for checking it out!

Hugel? Sounds like a made up word but after reading all the comments I guess it is real. Well Sir, I guess I will have to wait for the next installment of this experiment to see how well it works!

@papa-pepper don't limit yourself to "old dead wood and straw. you can also add in leaves that you have pruned, vegetable matter that is just to big for the compost pile and other stuff. It looks like you are at a GREAT start so keep on keepin on!!
Have fun!

Oh yeah, I'm putting lots of stuff in it! Thanks for the encouragement!

Oh yeah, I'm putting
Lots of stuff in it! Thanks for
The encouragement!

                 - papa-pepper

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That’s very interesting. Last year I tried something similar but much smaller. The neighbor has a Sweetgum tree which drops what can best be described as what looks like little mines. Little spikey balls that hurt when you step on them. Anyway, I piled a bunch of them up, added some sifted compost and planted some potatoes. Seems to be working.

I love using hugel beds. We have a few here on our homestead. I find them especially useful here in NC because of the amount of rain we get. When I first started my garden in ground, a lot of stuff drowned and rotted. I built more hugels this year in prep for another wet season. Having things up high in hugels helps drainage and keeps them from swimming / drowning. :) It also allows you to start growing sooner because it stays pretty warm down in the center, warming up the roots. I grew my artichokes in a nice hugle last year and got some large and beautiful plants. I just topped it off with a good thick layer of 1/2 way composted woodchips as it has settled a good bit since last year. You won't regret growing in hugels.

Wow, so cool! I hadn't thought about how they'd help get things up out of the soggy soil in some places. Thanks for chiming in!

I intend to build one in my new garden but need to find it first. But this is coming up a long the universe is telling me something hey 💯🐒

That’s also one experiment in my todo list but above it in the list is buy a house with a larger land... I’m interested to see your results.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent! I hope you'll get everything going soon enough. Thanks!

Woah, I’ve never heard of that, but it sounds interesting! I wonder if hubby and I can find a spot to try it out up here.... 🤔 Do you know if it matters what type of wood you use? I’ve heard some evergreens produce an acid that keeps stuff from growing near them, but I don’t know if that’s just while the tree is alive.

I'm avoiding using cedar and black walnut in mine, so I think it could matter.

That's very exciting! I have seen a little about it, it looks like a great plan for sustainable growing without soil depletion. Can't wait to see how it goes.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am interested in how the project does go?

Posted using Partiko Android

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