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RE: My Perfect Moment Had A Bite Taken Out Of It

in #gardening7 years ago

Looks like a big fat slug enjoyed decided to test your tomato for poison to make sure it was safe.

Please don't use pesticide please don't use pesticide please don't use pesticide please don't use pesticide that stuff fucks everything up so badly and it stays in the ground for so long.

Most pests can be taken care of using salt, beer, cayenne, diatomaceous earth, bloodmeal, and bonemeal. Peppermint is also good at getting rid of many pests.


Well...I thought I'd use a health dose of poison!!!

Just kidding...I hate poison. I'm paranoid to use it. Diatomaceous earth is my choice bug killer. Works pretty good. I'm pretty sure a fence or cage is the only thing to keep animals away from my plants though.

Raccoons and most other animals hate bloodmeal. Wolf urine is also good to keep most garden pest animals away. Just make sure not to put it close enough to the plants that it screws up the balance of the soil.

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