Brutal surgery

in #gardening5 years ago

I am busy busting my gut creating a proper vegetable garden and one of the decisions I made was to remove the small Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Brunfelsia grandiflora shrub that grows in the corner, it's not an ideal space for it and although it has made some early flowers, it hasn't really started growing yet so just before spring would be a good time to try and remove it.

Brunfelsia pauciflora.jpg

I didn't know that these plants contain psychoactive compounds, mainly Scopoletin and are considered toxic. Live and learn. Native to South America, they do well in my part of the world and are common in gardens. They like our acidic, fast-draining soil.


In keeping with growing in the corner, the roots all stretch in one direction. That's rather savage root damage and I had to trim the roots further to fit them into a suitable-sized container.

Because the roots have been reduced so heavily, the only thing to do is remove most of the branches, because the plant will be unable to support much foliage at the moment.

hard pruned.jpg

Hopefully it makes it and I will be able to plant it in a more suitable place where it can grow to a full height.

The bad news is that once the bush was out, I realised that I got my terracing wrong and it will need to be redone, which is problematic for the plants that are already in the ground. I will rethink this and post whatever I come up with once it is done


Rewarding when a transplant survives and becomes a beautiful plant to enjoy...

We live in hope. I have a nicer spot for it

Accidental #bonsai you started there, right? At least there are a few leaves remaining. Good time for replanting.

Very much a bonsai. It will improve quickly if I can get it to grow now

It looks worth saving with those pretty flowers.

Yes, it a very attractive bush. No wilting so far so I live in hope

It is a pity to always remove plants from the garden, especially those that have already been planted in the garden for a long time.

I'm hoping it can survive. It was not planted in a good place to begin with

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