How to winterize Hibiscus

in #gardening7 years ago


Hibiscus produce some of the most beautiful and showy tropical flowers. In tropical or mild regions, they are grown directly into a landscape but they are also grown in pots so they can easily be brought inside during the winter.

So, how do you winterize a hibiscus?

Hibiscus grown directly into the landscape:

Don't trim the hibiscus until the first frost in your region. Either cut the stems completely to the ground or until 12 inches of stem is left. Mulching is also an important step. You'll want 12 inches or more of mulch to keep your hibiscus's toes from freezing (Well, not literally!) After the winter is over and the last frost date has passed, you can rake the mulch off. This is also a good time to fertilize.

Hibiscus grown in pots:

First trim your hibiscus before you bring it inside. Typically, you should trim it down to about half it's size. Find a bright, warm location to place it in BEFORE it frosts. If you accidentally wait too long, the frost could kill your hibiscus. Don't want to bring it inside? You can also place a thick sheet of waterproof fabric or tarp over it. If a frost or freeze is expected, put a spot light or even string lights underneath the cover. (The key is to use lights that will generate heat.)

So, there you have it. It's really easy to winterize a hibiscus! With a little effort and planning, you'll have beautiful blooms year after year every summer or fall.

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