How to Plant and Cultivate Tomatoes In Polybags

in #gardening7 years ago


How to Plant and Cultivate Tomatoes In Polybag

Hello friends and connoisseurs as well as successful prospective Tomato farmers ..
Here I want to share my little knowledge about How to Plant and Cultivate Tomatoes In Polybag
Well just go to the discussion yaa friends.

How to Plant Tomatoes in Polybags

Tomato cultivation in general can be done in large areas such as plantations by making beds. But not a few also who plant this plant around the house by using pots or polybags. There is also a cultivation of tomatoes by means of hydroponics, ie growing the plants without using soil media. But in this article will only discuss about how to grow tomatoes in polybags. If you want to know how to develop tomatoes on a large scale, can read the article about the technical guidance of tomato cultivation.

Choosing a Tomato

In general, tomatoes can be distinguished from the shape of the fruit. There are 4 types of tomatoes are widely circulated in the Indonesian market that is, tomato granola or fruit tomatoes that have a round shape with a flat base. The second type of tomato is tomato gondol with oval shape, usually used as a raw material to make sauce. Tomato vegetable, has a hard texture and it tastes a little sour. The last type of tomato is cherry tomatoes, small in shape and has a sour taste.

How to plant tomatoes in polybag is easy to do, the first step is to choose the type of tomatoes that will be cultivated and then select a cultivation area in accordance with the type of tomato to be planted, terutma for climatic conditions and altitude.

For maximum cultivation results, use high quality seeds. You can get it at other farmers or buy selected seeds in farm shops that provide various varieties of tomato seeds. For details and the nature of the tomatoes can be read on the back of the seed pack.


Sowing the Tomato Seed

How to plant tomatoes in polybags should be through seeding the seeds first. New seeds in the form of seeds should be planted into plant seeds, then newly moved into the polybag planting medium. This step is very important, because the treatment of newly grown seeds is very different from the already grown plants.

Prepare places and media for seeding tomato seeds. Use a nursery that is protected from rain and direct sunlight. For seeding media you can use polybag or make a bed.

If the seedling media use the bed, make a run on the bed with a depth of 1 cm and the distance between the run 5 cm. Then plant the tomato seeds on each run by spacing between seeds about 3 cm, cover the surface then flush with water.

For seeding by using polybags, fill polybag with nursery media. If there is no polybag, you can use the seedlings from the leaves. Drop the tomato seed into the medium of the seedlings. Cover the surface and then shin with enough water. For one polybag only filled with one tomato seed.

After the seeds are planted in the semia field, do regular watering every 2 times a day with a smooth flow of water. Be careful when watering, do not damage the surface of the seedlings because it will result in not growing buds in tomato seeds.

Additional fertilization can be done about 2 weeks after the seedlings are grown using organic liquid fertilizer or compost. During the seeding period we need to weed it to remove weeds that grow on the seed media. Tomato seedlings can be moved to planting land when aged 30 days or at least tomato seeds already have 5 leaves.





Moving Tomato Seeds

In moving tomato seeds there are 2 ways that can be used. The first way is to move the seedlings by removal. Way, flush the seedbed media so that the soil becomes loose, then pull the tomato seeds carefully, do not let the roots of plants broken or damaged. Then input the seeds of plants into the planting medium. The position of the plant should be perpendicular to the existing planting hole in the polybag. The root position should also be straight should not be bent or folded. Set the depth of the planting hole to the length of the tomato root.

How to move the second seed is by rotating. How, the tomato plants are removed along with the media around him. For seedlings that are sowing in front, cangkil plants as deep as 10 meters by using a scope or hand. Then move on and move the following seeds with the soil.

For seed sowing in polybags, take or tear polybag then sap the seeds along with the tanhanya and move them into larger polybags. Polybag seedlings can be used repeatedly as long as the condition is still good.







Maintenance and Care of Tomato Cultivation

Maintenance and maintenance of tomato in polybag is relatively easier when compared with other planting medium. By using media planting polybag health tananam more controlled, because avoid the spread of disease through the roots. The thing to do is to maintain the condition of the planting medium so as not to dry too. Flush at least 2 times a day, not too wet to avoid root decay.

Do weeding on planting media regularly. If there are plant seeds that wilt or die, immediately dispose of and replace with new plants. Other treatments can be done by trimming buds and giving ajar so tanama not easily collapsed.

Pests and diseases that interfere with tomato plants quite a lot. If the attacked pest can be seen eye, it can be cleaned manually. Take pests that attack then dispose, remove the damaged leaves and stems so as not to spread to other plants. Use of chemical pesticides should be avoided, use more natural organic pesticides for safer consumption.




Harvesting of Tomato Cultivation

Tomato plants in polybags can begin to be harvested when 3 months after planting. It is also influenced by the varieties of planted tomatoes. Criteria of tomatoes that can be harvested usually have a yellowish green color or the edges of the leaves have started mengguning. Petinglah on ripe fruit only.

Tomatoes do not mature simultaneously. Do picking every 2-3 days, do not be too often for plants not easily damaged. The right time to harvest the tomatoes is morning or evening, because at that time the sun does not shine too hot.







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